Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I drove up into Michelle's driveway and ran to her room. I almost tripped on the stairs, I opened her door.

"Michelle! Taylor!" I yelled.

They looked at me crazy and were surprised that I ran straight in her room yelling there names. I was too excited, I couldn't catch my breath.

"Jocelyn? What's wrong?" Michelle asked concerned.

"Nothing, One Direction, meet, so nervous, tomorrow." I said all jumbled up.

"What? Come sit down and tell me what happened." Taylor said.

I sat down on the bed between Michelle and Taylor. I was breathing heavy, I was trying to cool off. I closed my eye and breathed in and out.

"I delivered the note to Louis, then I came in and met the boys and we talked." I said calmly.

"OMG!" Taylor said.

"For real?" Michelle asked.

"Yes, and we will meet all of them tomorrow." I opened my eyes.

"OMG! OMG!" Taylor said running around the room.

"Yay! I'm going to meet Zayn!" Michelle yelled.

"Louis kissed me on my cheek!" I blurted out.

"Awww!" Taylor said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Wow!" Michelle winked at me.

We all started on the bed. I waved the piece of paper with Louis number on it in the air. They looked at the paper and smiled. We were screaming and hugging each other. We did that for hours, then laid on the ground.

"Tomorrow I'm going to meet Liam and Harry." Taylor said.

"I'm going to meet Zayn Malik!" Michelle yelled.

"I'm going to have a perfect day with Louis Tomlinson." I said daydreaming about him.

Me and Louis could be more than friends. We just met but I believe in it. We did he think about me? Did he think it would be a beautiful super model. Well, he did keep my notes and chased after me.

(Louis POV)

Jocelyn was beautiful and sweet, I couldn't believe that I finally met her. Her smile was adorable and her hazel eyes were a light brown and bright green, they were beautiful. Tomorrow was going to be a great day with her.

"Hey." Harry said walking in the room and sitting on the bed next to me.

"Hey Harry." I said smiling.

"Do you like her?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's a nice friend."

"No, I mean like her as a girlfriend."

"I don't know, maybe."

"Well, get to know her."

"I will."

I laid on my bed thinking about her. I opened the dresser and grabbed the notes. I looked though them all and smiled at each one. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

(Jocelyn POV)

We were in the living room watching a movie and eating popcorn. I was sleepy and excited, I don't know how that is but I was. I closed my eyes and dreamed about Louis.


I woke up, my head was pounding. I almost fell of the bed and didn't wake up. I looked at Michelle and Taylor, there were on the bed sleeping. I looked at my phone and saw it was ten o'clock a.m. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and washed my face. I put on mascara and peach lip gloss, I went to the room and sat on the bed. I texted Louis to see where to meet and what time.

"Hey its Jocelyn, where do you want to meet at and what time?" I texted him.

"Starbucks at 10:30." He texted.

That was in twenty-five minutes, I started jumping up and down on the bed to wake them up.

"Get up! In twenty-five minutes you have to get ready to meet One Direction!" I yelled. They both got up and started heading to the closet and changing, putting on make-up. Michelle and I were wearing skinny jeans with a T-shirt. Taylor was wearing a pink shirk with a white tink top.

"OMG!.....I say that to much but its a good time to say it." Taylor said.

"Okay you ready?" I asked them.

"Yes." They said.

"Okay, come on." I said walking down stairs as they followed. We got in my mustang and drove to the Starbucks. I parked the car and we walked in. I looked around to see him and the boys in the back of the place. We walked over to them and Louis hugged me.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." I smiled back. We sat down at a large table, there was eight people. "This is Taylor." I pointed at her and she smiled. "This is Michelle." I pointed at her, she waved and smiled at Zayn.

"Well, you probably know are names." Zayn smiled.

"Yep, I know your name." Michelle winked at Zayn.

We talked and had coffee for two hours. It was fun hanging out with the boys. Taylor talked to Liam and Harry the most. Michelle talked to Zayn and Niall. I was alone with the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

"Tell me about your family." Louis asked me.

"I live with my mom, she works a lot so I stay at Michelle's house." I said.

"That must be fun, I live with the boys. It's fun hanging out and living with them." He smiled.

"I bet, how do you like being famous?" I asked.

"I like most of it, the screaming girls are loud but their great." He said. Michelle screamed just then, I looked back at her to see what was wrong. "Yes thats what you mean." I said while he covered his hands over his ears.

"Michelle what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Zayn is tickling me." She laughed.

"Okay." I smiled rolling my eyebrows.

My phone was vibrating, I saw it was my mom texting me. I couldn't believe she knew how to text. She wasn't an old woman but she was forty-forty.

"Honey where have you been. Please come home, I have to tell you something." She texted me.

"Okay, be there soon." I replied.

"I have to go." I said.

"Okay, I'll walk you to your car." Louis said sweetly.

"Michelle, Taylor I have to go." I told them.

"Okay bye." Taylor said.

"Text me later bye." Michelle said not looking away from Zayn.

I walked with Louis to my car. He stood in front of me and smiled. We were smiling at each other, until I broke the silent.

"Bye Louis, I had a great time." I said looking into his eyes. I felt the space between us disappear, I felt are lips together. His lips were smooth and soft. He had one of his hands on my waist and the other on my cheek. I had my hands on the back of his neck. We were both breathing heavy. The kiss was sweet but also passionately.

"Bye." I said grinning.

"Bye." He said in his sexy accent.

I started my car and headed to my house. That kiss was perfect and it made me want to melt. My heart was pounding loudly. Louis was amazing kisser, I wanted to kiss him all day. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

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