Chapter 7

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When I got back to the Holloway's, Jay was at the door as soon as I entered. My prediction was correct. She was not happy.
"Where have you been? It is almost eight thirty! I have been worried sick! Have you eaten dinner?"
I laughed at her scowl.
"Work. You never know how long any one task will take in my line of work."
She crossed her arms over her chest.
"This is not funny. You couldn't even find time to send me even a short message to let me know you were okay?"
I smiled and slid around her to get inside the house.
"No. I'd have put us in worse danger than we were in last time we went out."
My smile faded a little. The entire incident had shook me. Over the last few months I had worked more than was expected, taking care not to leave any traceable evidence behind. I wouldn't risk Jay's safety ever again. Her glare gave way to a worried frown.
"You don't think we're going to be found out, do you?"
I sighed and reached for her hand.
"I can't know for sure, Jay. But I can do everything in my power to protect you."
I pressed a kiss to her cheek and stepped into the kitchen. She followed, still frustrated.
"So what did you find out?"She asked, almost grumbling. A twinkle came to my eyes.
"That's the good news. The bombs were labelled with different brands, but that was only to throw the US off their trail. I found out that all of the bombs in the warehouse were manufactured by one man. Of course he had hired help, but he runs the whole place."
"So who is he?" She asked as she pulled out the ingredients for a sandwich.
"Jared Pommel. When I searched him within the Association's files I came up with: Engineering mastermind, famous Korean-American architect, and explosives are his specialty. He's hiding out in a small town on the outskirts of the capital city in North Korea."
She nodded, then finished the sandwich, and grabbed a plate.
"I need to talk to the you."She muttered through gritted teeth, motioning for me to follow her upstairs. I cocked an eyebrow, but followed anyway.


I stormed upstairs and closed the door behind Jeremy. The more I thought, the more angry I became.
"It's hard enough to be married for the sake of cover," I started saying to him. "I know you're going through the same thing, but what you don't know, is how hard it is when your husband treats you like you can't do anything."
He looked shocked.
"When have I ever made you feel like you can't do anything?" He asked.
I wanted to scream, but yelling wouldn't solve our problem.
"Ugh! How can you be so oblivious?" I muttered.
"Oblivious!" He sputtered, becoming angry. "I am a spy, if I were oblivious I wouldn't be a spy!" He replied, almost yelling.
I sat down hard on our bed, grabbed my hair, and gritted my teeth, trying not to scream.
"Why? Why do you leave me here... with Cloe no less?" I said to him.
He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it.
"Cloe? Look, I know she's annoying, but she can't be that bad," he said.
"Can't be that bad? Annoying?" I started saying to him. "She's more than annoying! She's evil! The very spawn of the devil! Do you have any idea what she does to me every day? Today, she tripped me, and I hit my head on the corner of the kitchen table."
I moved some hair to show an angry blue and purple bruise on my forehead. Jeremy stared and winced.
"She insults and embarrasses me whenever she gets the chance, and she delights in tormenting me! She also reminds me every day that you leave me here and that you don't need me. I have started to believe her because you haven't taken me with you on any one of your missions!"
I was out of breath when I was done. Jeremy looked like he had been kicked in the gut. And... he was really mad.
"She- She- I-!" He sputtered. He turned sharply into our small bathroom and I heard the water turn on. When he came back a couple seconds later, he seemed more in control.
"Why?" he asked. "Why would she do that to you? What did you do to her?"
I didn't do anything! It's your fault! I thought about how to answer. I couldn't yell. It wouldn't help anything.
"Because I married you. She is blinded by jealousy," I answered simply. I felt sorry for the poor guy. He looked almost ready to explode.
"Wh- why didn't you tell me?" He asked incredulous, gesturing to me, then slapping his hand against his thigh. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it. Why didn't I tell him?
"I don't know. I-I just didn't..." I started saying to him. I looked at my hands, not knowing what to say. He came and sat next to me. He put his arm around me.
I sighed.
"I didn't want to just say 'Hey, Cloe's being mean'. I would sound like a two-year old!" I whispered.
He lifted an eyebrow.
"She's not just being mean anymore. She's hurting you physically. And that, I will not stand for. I'll talk to Cloe," he said. "I want you to be there, though." The last part he spoke uncomfortably.
I nodded and leaned into his chest.
"And about you feeling useless..." Jeremy continued with a sigh, "I guess I am oblivious. I have no excuse there. I only do what I do to protect you."
He leaned his forehead against the top of mine and closed his eyes.
"The reason I'm here in the first place is because I'm supposed to help you," I reminded him. "Remember? We're supposed to rely on each other. I knew it would be dangerous, but I came so you didn't have to do it alone."
He smiled a little.
"Jeremy, I didn't mean it when I said you were oblivious. You've been really busy at work, that's all. You are good at what you do and you try your best. I'm sorry I yelled."
I began to cry. I hate arguments.
He shook his head.
"No, I deserved it. And we promised to be honest with each other."
I smiled at him.
"Yeah, we did that real well."
He laughed and rocked me gently.

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