The Big Six and Friends Chat Room

825 18 9

Elsa on

Jack on

Merida on

Hiccup on

Mavis on

Rapunzel on

Merida: hey what's up with these names?

Jack: I dont now but I'm changing mine

Jack changed to Frost

Hiccup: I want to try

Hiccup changed to Trainer

Rapunzel: my turn!

Rapunzel changed to Blondie

Mavis: ok I'll try

Mavis changed to Vamp

Merida: Me!

Merida changed to Arrow

Elsa: Arrow?

Arrow: yeah u have a problem with that?

Elsa: no. my turn

Elsa changed to Icy

Frost: cool name snowflake

Icy: thanks

Blondie: aww a Jelsa moment

Arrow+Trainer: yuck

Vamp: u just want it to be Mericcup

Arrow: NO!

Trainer: I'm leaving

Trainer off

Arrow: me too

Arrow off

Icy: yeah me to I have to check on Olaf.

Vamp: yeah he might have lost his nose.... Again

Icy+Vamp off

Frost: well let's go Blondie

Blondie: ok

Frost off

Blondie off

Hi! I hope u all liked my first chapterand just to let u know I ship Jelsa and Mericcup so yeah and Jack and Elsa are dating.

The Big Six and Friends Chat Room (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now