(im gonna copy this from a toddler cartoon called Dinosour Train) TIME TUNNEL!

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Hi guys just saying everything will be the same as it used to be but the only things that will change are their ages, relationships (might have  boyfriends or be married), and some will have kids I'll explain everything here and uhh now.....

Elsa+Jackthey are married, still act the same, same age cause their immortal, and they have a daughter.

Merida+Hiccupthey are married, still act the same, just bit more mature, same age cause they're immortal, and they have a daughter.

RapunzelStill married to Eugene, still acts the same, same age cause immortal, has daughter.

MavisMarried to Johnny, still acts the same, same age cause immortal and she's a vamp, and has a son.

Snow; Married to Ethan(et4022 was a guest a while ago), still acts the same, age is 20 but is now immortal(so is Ethan), and have a son.

Mollyhas a boyfriend, still acts the same just more mature, age 20 but is now immortal.

Kitsingle, still acts the same(that's why she's single ^_^ lol), age 20 is now immortal.

Katie; kinda single(she dates many boys and a bunch have crushes on her) {ugh srsly Adalisa???}, acts the same (believe me!), age 20 is now Immortal.

So yeah and the normal thinigies hold on these ( ) are the ones my 'friend' Adalisa is using to talk well when we were explaining stuff and well let her talk -_-.....

Hi! everyone in Adalisa! and what I was saying in Katie's profile with the thingies ( ) is like so true!

Shut up any why bye! see ya !


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