Kids Profile

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Jelsa's Kid

Lucy Frost


Personality; Kind, Sassy, Shy(like Elsa)

Likes: Her BFFS, Dogs/Wolfs

Friends: Snow, Kit, Katie, Melody, Max, Eric

Crushes: Eric

Powers: Ice, Snow, And Wind

Fave Color: Blue

Appearance: Platinum blonde hair that is in a braid, Cristal blue eyes, light blue ice dress that goes just below her knees and has a Short cape (like Elsa's), baby blue flats, and a blue necklace with 3 snowflakes on it.

Mericcup's Kid

Melody Haddock


Personality: Caring, Kind, Nice, Patient, sweet, energetic, Friendly

Likes: Animals, friends, dragons

Friends: Kit, Katie, Lucy, Molly, Punz, Max, Eric, Ella

Crushes: Max

Fave Color: Green and Gold

Appearance: Red curly/strait hair, gold color head band, green emerald eyes, a green with gold blouse, White tights, white flats

Eugunzel's Kid

Ella Flitzbrert


Personality: Sassy, kind, bada**, girly girl, kinda smart

Likes: fashion, friends, Books, painting

Friends: her mom(Punz), Lucy, Melody, Max, Eric, Snow, Elsa, Kit, Katie, Molly

Powers: Heals with hands

Fave Color: blue, purple, gold, white

Appearance: blue dress that goes a bit higher than her ankles, black flats, blonde hair, glassy blue eyes

Ethan+Snow's Kids

Eric Lewis


Personality: jokester, Funny(like his dad)

Likes: MC(mine craft), his mom(Snow), leopards, friends

Friends: Melody, Lucy, Ella, Max, Kit, Molly, Katie

Crushes: Lucy

Powers: Wind/flying

Fave Color: blue+ white

Appearance: blue t-shirt, Blue jeans, black sneakers, White hoodie, Milky brown hair and eyes

Johnny+Mavis's Kid

Max Dracula


Personality: addicted to MC(mine craft), curious, Hates being indoors, kind, sort of rebel

Likes: the outdoors, MC, Friends

Friends: Eric, Melody, Lucy, Ella, Katie

Crushes: Melody

Powers: vampire powers

Fave Color: black, violet, grey

Appearance: black T-shirt, blue jeans, black sneakers, black smooth hair, brown chocolate eyes 

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