Chapter 2

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~Allo and I hope that you enjoy Chapter 2~

Like I said before, this is my first time writing for Wattpad and I would really appreciate for support!

~So please Vote and Comment!~ ( ^ . ^ )

I've been sick lately so my uploads may take longer... ; - ; Do not worry, I'll try my best! T ^ T

~On with the story now!~

P.S. Sorry it there are any mistakes.


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-Celeste's POV-

I quickly put on my favorite white tee that had a little pocket over my left breast, black skinny jeans, and worn out sneakers. As I walked down the stairs, each step gave out a small creak under my weight. Someone should really fix those, some day one of the children could get seriously hurt if one of the wooden stairs were to give away.But, I doubt that it would come cheap...

"Ciel!!!" someone shrieked.

My musing was cut short again, only this time it was two year-old Samantha, the youngest in the orphanage. I saw that the little bundle of energy was running towards me at full speed and I had less than a second to position myself so that I could catch her when she jumped into my arms.

"Ciel! Ciel! You sow lacky! You con go two school!" Sam looked at me, pouting her little lips. I laughed as I twirled her around which caused her to giggle uncontrollably. Sam had soft, golden hair that was tied into two, low braids, big doe eyes, a small nose, and she had a simple white dress that looked a bit too big on her.

When she finally calmed down, I walked into the kitchen, still holding on to Sam. My mouth instantly watered when I was surrounded by heavenly smells of bacon, eggs, and Aunt Rainee's pancakes, which were out of this world.

"Good morning sweetie." Aunt Rainee greeted me with her usual warm smile.

"Mornin' Aunty" I answered with a similar smile. Just after saying that, I head various patters of feet on the floor. When I turned around, I was welcomed with the sight of the rest of the kids of the orphanage. There were twenty six of us in total, including me. The ages ranged from two to eleven. There were only two of us that were older than them, Connor who is fifteen and me, seventeen.

Connor and I are very close like brother and sister, though there was one time when I was told a secret from a little birdie that Connor had developed a crush on me. I didn't put much thought to it, I was fine with the idea of him liking me, I just wasn't capable of loving anyone the way how he hoped so I didn't say anything. At first it was quite awkward but after some time, things seemed to go back to normal.

I blinked and cleared my mind, focusing on what was in front of me. "Mornin' kiddos." I smiled.

"Good morning!!" they all said in unison. I was then overwhelmed by a wave of bodies as they all tried to hug me at the same time. I started giggling at their determined faces as they tried to get to me. I spread my arms wide as I crouched down so that more of the kids could get some of my bear hug.

When they all finished hugging me, I went back into the kitchen to help Aunt Rainee set up breakfast on the four dinning tables. Before I could even grab a stack of plates, Aunty held her hand up to me like a referee.

"No need, sweetie." she said.


"If you don't go right now, you'll be late for school." she pointed at the clock up on the wall. 7:09 am. School starts at 7:30. I sighed as she ushered me out the kitchen. Grabbing some bacon and a pancake from a plate nearby, I headed to the front door.

There, Connor was waiting for me with his backpack slung over his right shoulder. Aunt Rainee had also made him go to Preston High with me so that I wouldn't be all by myself.

"About time Ciel, thought I would die here in this spot waiting for you." Connor opened the door as I grabbed my brown message bag and my long buttoned sweater that reached my thighs. It was mid-October so it was both windy and a bit cold.

"I didn't take that long." I huffed, rolling my eyes. Connor snorted in response. He was only an inch taller than me at five-nine. His curly brown hair blew gently in the breeze as his blue eyes concentrated on where he was placing his feet. He also had broad shoulders and a slightly square jaw.

After a couple minutes of silence, my stomach grumbled and that's when I remembered the food that I had in my hand. I folded the pancake in half while the bacon stayed inside like a taco. As I bit into it, I noticed Connor glance at my direction.

"What?" I said with my mouth full, which caused him to chuckle.

"Nothing" he answered, amusement clear in his eyes. I ignored him and continued on devouring my delicious masterpiece.

Preston High looked like any other high school. Large, plain, white, and many windows. Only the forestry surrounding it made it a bit more interesting for me. I took a deep breath as I took in the scents around me Then I noticed that there were many scents of werewolves...Wait, werewolves?! I thought this town had only humans! Oh no...I can't let them catch my scent. Instinctively, I masked my scent with one of a normal werewolf's. Good thing I'm an expert at this. My wolf didn't like what I was doing, disguising myself, but she complied becuse she also knew the consequences if our true selves were to be exposed...

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~That is all for this chapter!~

Please Vote and Comment! I love to get feedback so don't be shy! :D

Until next chapter! ♥ ^ o ^

~Thank you for reading!!!~


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