Chapter 5

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~Allo my dear reader~ 

Wow, so many reads in such a short amount of time! :O

My apologies if the chapter has any errors. *bows* 

~Happy Reading~ 


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-Celeste's POV-  

Standing next to Rachel in the cafeteria doorway, I stood there without moving as my whole body was soaking wet. The whole room was silent for a moment and no more than a second after it was filled with laughter. 

A wide-eyed Rachel quickly took my arm and pulled me back into the hallway. It was no use now though, everyone had already seen me get humiliated. Pulling me through the hallway, Rachel turned her head in my direction and looked at me with anger-filled eyes but I knew that it wasn't directed towards me. 

"Seriously, you barely came here and you're already being picked on! It was Kayley, no doubt about it." she shook her head in disgust. 

I stayed silent and looked at her with a blank expression. I felt a familiar sensation of withdrawal starting to take over me. I mentally kicked myself, this was nothing compared from what had occured in the past so I shouldn't be acting like this! 

I then drew my attention back to Rachel who had stopped in front a blue door that said 'Nurse Office' and started knocking on it harshly. 

A minute after, a human woman that looked to be in her early thirties that had her brown hair tied up in a messy bun and was wearing a tan trenchcoat answered the door. One look over me and her eyes filled with understanding and worry. She let us inside the room and guided me to sit on a bed with white sheets. 

Rachel sighed in frustration, " Like I said before, Kayley is a total drama queen. She overreacts with simple things. Anyway, are you alright Celeste? I mean that water must of been freezing!" 

I nodded my head in response. Just as I did so, the woman came back with a purple, long-sleeved blouse and denim jeans. 

Once I was changed in the new clothes, I put my wet ones inside a plastic bag that Amanda, the nurse, gave me. 

"So, um, Celeste, are you going to go home or are you staying for the rest of the day?" Rachel questioned me. 

I thought for a moment, then both my wolf and I agreed that I would stay. Kayley won't be able to have much satisfaction seeing that I was still here. That made my wolf growl approvingly. 

"I'll stay." I whispered. Rachel just looked at me in shock but then brushed it off with a shrug. She held her hand out for me, which I gladly took, and together we walked out to our next period. 

Sitting at the back of the class, waiting for fifth period, Spanish, to start, I heard the door open and when I looked up to see who it was, I saw a surprised-looking Kayley staring at me in bewilderment. 

I grinned internally, just the expression I was waiting for. My satisfaction was short lived when Kayley covered up her shock with a sneer on her face that was caked with make-up. 

She walked towards me, swaying her hips as she did so. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the wet nerd from the cafeteria." she smirked. "I see that you're wearing different clothes. Did the wittle baby run back to momma to get new clothes and complain." Kayley mockingly balled up her fists and moved them close to her eyes. Her human companions snickered in the backround.

I stared at her with a blank stare while a fire inside me started to spark when she mentioned 'momma.' Immediatly, a memory of my mother's twisted face flashed through my mind. I flinched when I saw it and that's when I heard Kayley laughing at me, thinking that I had flinched towards her. As she opened her mouth to say something else, she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. 

Our teacher, Mr. Rodriguez, who I noted was also a werewolf, glared in our direction. 

"Until next time." Kayley whispered, clearly annoyed. She then whipped around and sat on a desk in the middle of the room. 

Fifth and sixth period passed quickly and before I knew it, I was dressed in my gym clothes, standing next to Rachel who was talking about how Kayley must be from another planet that creates people who are designed to torment anyone who comes near them. 

Just then, a loud whistle came from a man that looked to be in his forties and who I assumed was our gym teacher, Mr. Robison, clear his throat. (He too was a werewolf.)

"Today class, we are going to play dodgeball, so get into two large groups!"  

There were many cheers and groans from the class. Rachel squealed in delight while I on the other hand groaned. If it weren't for the circumstances right now, I wouldn't be so bummed out but right now, I felt like live prey with the many predatory stares from almost everybody. Great, just great. And to top it off, Kayley was in my class. I cursed my luck. 

-Miles POV- 

I was leaning against the hallway's wall while Russel stood on my right and Trevor sat on my left. Right now I would've been in gym but I wasn't in the mood, so I ditched. Being the Alpha's son had its advantages such as being able to ditch without any punishment because most of the teachers were werewolves and it would be disrespectful if they were to do punish their soon-to-be Alpha. With that, I was able to get both Russel and Trevor out from gym also. 

"Hey, Miles, so tomorrow is your party." Russel commented. 

I nodded. 

"Cool! And everyone is invited right?!" Trevor seemed to barely be able to contain his excitement. 

"Yep" I answered, popping the 'p.' 

"Man, it sucks that you're turning eighteen. That means that you're gonna find your mate." Russel gave me a look of sympathy. 

I sighed. I don't want to find my Mate yet. I hate the commitment that you have to give to only one woman. When a werewolf meets their Mate, that is the person that they would spend their rest of their life with. And we werewolves live for centuries, we just age much slower than humans. 

"Ah, I'll be right back guys. Gotta go take a leak." Trevor said as he ran through the hallway and took a sharp turn to the right. 

A hand lay on my shoulder. 

"Are you still thinking of finding that girl from the woods, Miles?" 

I slumped my shoulders, Russel knew me too well. We knew eachother ever since we were born, that's why he is my second in command or also known as my Beta.

"Man what if she was a ghost. Are you seriously going to wait for a ghost?!" he said, incredulous.

"So." I responded stubbornly. Russel just shook his head in a disaproving manner.

If I were to find my Mate, I would only accept the girl from the woods that gave me hope when I felt as if I was slowly dying. Only one else... 

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~End of the fifth chapter!~ 

Does anyone have any idea of who this mystery girl is??


Now, now, don't spoil!! :D 

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~Thank You for Reading~ 


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