050 - narration.

106 2 11

3:01 PM - 3 Jun 18

as junghyun saw donghyuck standing near the gate, her feet made light steps and her heart probably beating so fast. who wouldn't get so worked up about someone asking to treat you? junghyun would flip but instead, she kept it inside herself.

"hey donghyuck!" she stopped and called out to him, making the male pull his head and look at her way. donghyuck had a small smile and walked towards her. "thank goodness, you came," his mouth let out a sigh of relief. "oh?" she tilted her head, standing beside him. donghyuck immediately turned red, covering his cheeks at the midst of it.

"stop being so cute," donghyuck murmured under his hands, getting more and more shy as time passes by. junghyun narrowed her eyes at donghyuck (who was currently confusing the fuck out of her) not knowing what he said. she questioned him again, but this time donghyuck shook his head. "it's nothing, siyeonnie." he gave her a bright smile, making her turn red too.

"where do you want to eat then?" her habit of running her hands through her hair when she's nervous or thinking became more frequent, well duh, donghyuck's around so she can't help but get nervous. the two started walking outside the campus, keeping absolutely no distance between them. their shoulders would constantly brush onto each other, leading someone to apologize. "what about the ice cream parlor?" donghyuck asked her. junghyun widened her eyes and immediately lit up and got excited at the thought of ice cream. "oh, bitch yes- oh um," after pushing and pulling donghyuck because of her excitement, she realized what she's doing to the poor boy. "uh, sorry donghyuck. did that hurt?"

"ah, no it's okay!"

"you sure?"

"i'm fine, cutie." he ruffled her hair, his eyes softening at the girl in front of him. she lightly laughed at him, not minding the 'cutie' he said (she didn't hear the compliment). what an oblivious girl. "come on, go faster!" junghyun became comfortable around him, she would pull him to go faster because of the ice cream parlor just around the corner.

once they got to the parlor, she smiled brightly as she opened the door leading inside. donghyuck felt his heart burst and started feeling fuzzy inside because of the actions she did. he shook them off by going to the cashier, ready to order. "good afternoon sir! what would you like to order?" the cashier said politely, waving at the boy and girl. "hi, good afternoon! i'd like a cookies and cream one and- what would you like, siyeon?" donghyuck turned to the girl beside him, who was pretty much busy looking at the flavors. junghyun noticed donghyuck looking at her and she carefully picked out what she wants. "oh! vanilla please!" she smiled to him and stood beside him.

"what she said," he told the cashier and pointed at the smiley junghyun. "okay sir, one cookies and cream and one vanilla ice cream. coming right up!" they exited the counter and began the search for chairs. they saw a second floor, which was not packed. they took their shoes off due to the carpet.

they sat down on the carpet, junghyun feeling a bit concious because of her skirt. "here," donghyuck took off his jacket and covered her lower body with it. she thanked him and gave a smile. they sat in awkward silence before donghyuck spoke up. "are you sure that you want vanilla?" he plopped his elbows to the table and put his head to his palms. junghyun brightly smiled at him, her eyes forming crescents, completely soft about his image. "i'm sure! although vanilla is such a simple flavor, it's still so good and i can't get enough of it. and of course the flavor is bomb! you can't get tired of it! like you-!"

she slapped herself mentally for saying that. now donghyuck's gonna know that she likes him.

but his over the top denseness completely messed his mind up. what did she mean 'like you'? few seconds later, he finally understood that he's irresistible but he still doesn't assume that she likes him. "are you saying that i'm irresistible? i didn't know you pictured me like that," he slightly smirked, making the girl get more nervous.

he was a little bit more confident than before.
"s-shut up!" junghyun crossed her arms, puffing up her cheeks. the male chuckled lightly, making the atmosphere more bright.

she saw sparkles and stars again. he was glowing!

"hey donghyuck..." her mouth automatically opened and breathed out these words. junghyun stared at his eyes, deeply. "did i ever tell you that you're beautiful?"

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