Chapter 2

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I completely forgot to tell you guys that my fic is going to take place in season 3a. I will be changing up some things in the season so it can go along with my story lines and also some things will be changed that way it works out for who Clarissa's love interest will be! Most of the plot or season 3a will still be the same but some will be changed. Okay i think I’ve said enough so i hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Clarissa where are you?" My mother calls up the stairs. Panicking i grab the two files in the drawer hiding them under the box and the closing the drawer door. 

"Im upstairs mom! What do you need?" I hear soft footsteps up the stairs as my mom comes into the doorway. 

"Nothing i was just wondering how are you doing with packing?" Turning so im facing my mom i quickly respond hoping she will leave so i can continue my snooping. 

"Im doing fine. Im just about done." 

"Okay. Well here are the directions to the new house it’s not that far of a drive only a couple of hours but once you are finished packing then you can meet your father and I down at the new house."

"Alright. I'll probably be done in about an hour so I’ll see you later tonight." 

I don’t want to sound rude or anything but thank god they are leaving so i can try and figure this out. Wow, i feel like a detective. Hmm. Maybe i should be a detective it would be kind of cool. Im interrupted by my thoughts when my mother responds.

"Well, your father and i will be leaving. Oh and sweetheart you might want to throw that shirt out it looks awful on you." 

See this is exactly what i meant with she has no filter. Personally i thought this shirt was really cute but apparently the fashion queen has other things to say. Forcing a laugh i nod my head just to make my mom feel better. 

Sometimes i wish she would just keep her opinion to herself. Seriously, if im not wearing the latest fashion trends then apparently the clothes i have are trash. Im sorry i don’t feel like dressing like everyone else. Im comfortable in what i wear and in all honesty i think it looks cute on me. I like wearing jeans and cute tops and some boots or sandals but apparently the fashion trend now is high waisted skirts and tops tucked in. This means if im not wearing the latest fashion trends then my mom will probably push me off the roof. 

Sighing i pick up my phone and check the time "5:12." Deciding now would be a good time to go get food and check out these mystery files i hop off the floor grab the files and skip down the steps. Im really gonna miss this house, im not sure why we are moving exactly but my parents decided they wanted a change so we are moving to a really small town apparently. Im going to be in the same state which it good but i don’t really want to start a new school. Walking into my kitchen i grab my wallet and car keys and head out. Once i finally get into the car i start to open up the first file. Looking inside i find a shit ton of paperwork. The top of the first piece of paper reads:

"California Adoption Paperwork" HA! I knew it! I was adopted. The rest of papers just have shit about my adoptive parents but nothing about my real family. Getting extremely frustrated i slam the paper work and the rest of the files down onto the driver’s seat deciding i will continue to look after i eat.

After i finished eating which was at taco bell because im cheap and dont want to waste money on expensive food at restaurants and have to look like a loser and sit alone. I decided i should probably start driving to my new house in my new town. Im gonna miss my house ive grown up in it my whole life and i honestly have no clue why we are moving but we are. It might be nice though to have a fresh start. Maybe i should stop trying to figure out who my birth parents are because they obviously gave me up for a reason and just focus on a fresh start. The only bad part about this fresh start is that i have to go to a new school which wont be fun at all. I'll probably just ignore everyone and try and blend in and get through school and be done. 

Finally after a long boring 4 hour drive consisting of shitty songs that radio stations decide to repeat 24/7 that are usually good at first but after you hear them a couple thousand of times you kinda want to shoot yourself i arrived at my new house. It was around 10:30 when i actually got home. Now for the awful part bringing all my bags inside and unpacking. This is gonna suck because i have a shit ton of stuff and honestly im way to lazy to bring it all in now. I might just wait until the morning and do it all then i mean i have two and half months until school starts which means two months of procrastinating unpacking. I mean you cant actually blame me who really wants to unpack. Uh huh see thats right nobody, because unpacking sucks monkey butt. Grabbing the last file that i still have to look through if i end up deciding too inside of doing that whole fresh start shit i finally enter my new home. All i know about my house is that it is located in a tiny ass town called Beacon Hills which i think is sort of a stupid name like who names their town Beacon Hills. But lets be real here what towns, city's, and street names arent stupid.

After wasting a shit ton of time walking around my house i finally make my way to my new bedroom to go to sleep. Thank god my parents got here earlier and put my bed and shit in because i would not sleep on the floor i am not about that life. I thought i was gonna be able to fall asleep but all i can think about is how the hell am i gonna make friends i left all mine behind in my old city and what my new school and this town is gonna be like. Probably around an hour after thinking i finally drifted off into dream land.

Okay this probably sucked ass because not only have i had major writing block but i wrote this at 2 in the morning so im sorry if it sucks. Hopefully ill get better at this once i actually get more into the story line. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Im sorry it took so long to get up. Honestly i have no clue if anyone actually reads my story but i have another account i might post this on and then delete this on here if it gets more reads and comments and stuff but im not sure if ill even do that. If you guys could comment and tell me what you think and what you liked/didnt like or what you want me to do with the story that'd be great. Also im sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors i wrote this at 2 in the morning. Okay thanks again!


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