F I F T Y - E I G H T

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A couple days later, Dean was woken up to Emery's cries. Usually, Becky was the one who went to go get Emery and brought them to their bedroom. But, she wasn't there. And she wouldn't remember that she did so.

Dean sighed as he went to Emery's room, and saw her standing in her crib, crying her eyes out. Dean slightly smiled as he went and picked her up, with her head on his shoulder. "Shh," he whispered rubbing her back. "It's OK, princess. It's OK," he reassured her. She lowered down her cries and soon, Dean could hear her soft snores.

He sighed again as he made his way to Mason's room. The door was slightly opened and could see Mason sleeping on his bed. It was around 8 in the morning and the twins had to go to school today. He walked over to his bed and gently shook him awake.

"Mas? Buddy, wake up," he whispered, trying not to wake Emery up. Mason stirred around in his sleep before looking up at Dean. "Daddy, I don't wanna go to school," he whined, putting the covers over his face. Dean chuckles. "I'm sorry, buddy. It's Wednesday. We have two more days until Friday," he comforts, taking the blankets off of him. Mason groans before getting out of bed. "How come you always wake me up first?"

Dean chuckles. "Because you're older." Mason rubs his eyes before going to the bathroom. Before walking into the room, he turned around.

"Daddy? Where's mommy?" He asked. Dean shook his head. "Don't worry about it, buddy. Just get ready."

Dean ran his hand through his hair before realizing Emery was still on his shoulder. He walked into his bedroom and gently put her on the bed before making his way to Makenna's room. When he opened the door, Makenna was already out of bed. She was always the second person in the house to be awake the earliest. Becky was the first.

"Hi daddy," she smiles when she sees Dean. "Hey princess," he smiles back. "You doing OK?" He asks. She nods. I already took a shower, all by myself," she cheered as she put her shoes on. Dean chuckles. "I see that princess. You know you don't have to wake up this early, OK?" He explains to her. "Yeah, but if I don't then Mason's gonna eat all the food first," she giggles making Dean chuckle again.

"Alright. I'm gonna make some breakfast and we'll get going, OK?" He says walking to the door. "I thought it was Mommy's day to make breakfast?" Makenna asked. Dean quietly sighed and picked up the purple headband from the floor. He brushed it off and walked back to Makenna and put it on her bead.

"Don't worry about it, princess. Just come down when you're ready, OK?" He said. She nodded as Dean kissed her hair and left the room.

He went to get his phone and saw that Roman had texted him.

Brotha R💪

Did you tell them yet?

Dean rolled his eyes as he put his phone in his sweatpants. He was going to tell them today. After Becky came home. She was cleared to go home today.

"Let the journey begin," he mumbled to himself.

Dean got to the hospital with Emery at around 10:30. Luckily, on the way from home, she fell asleep again, giving Dean one thing to not worry about.

He checked in with the front desk and he and Emery made it to Becky's room. The door was opened and Dean saw her standing, mostly leaning on her right foot, and looking out the window. She turned her head and backed up a bit.

"Don't worry," he gently said. "I'm not going to hurt you," he reassured. "How do I know you're telling the truth. I don't even know you," she whispers. Dean sighs. That hurt. "I know. But, trust me. You will soon," he said walking closer to her bed. "What is that some sort of threat?" She asked. Dean shrugged. "It is if you take it like one."

"Why are you here?" She asked. "You're Rebecca and I'm Jonathan. You're fiancée."

685 words

HEYY! So this is the first time Dean and Becky have their first real conversation with each other. Next chapter will be how Dean explains everything to Becky and how he tells the twins about her!

Love you all! 


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