S I X T Y - E I G H T

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Becky laid on the bed, silently crying as she looked out the window, as the rain poured heavily. She had been crying for the past hour, not knowing how she'd take care of three kids all by herself.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, making her look at who was touching her. Charlotte. She sat up and looked at her. "What are you doing here?" She whispered, hugging her knees. "Dean called Sasha and I because he knew you were panicking about everything," Charlotte says rubbing her shoulder.

"No, I'm fine," Becky whispers. "I promise." Charlotte shakes her head. "Becks, Sasha's talking to Makenna. Don't worry," Charlotte smiles. "Dean tried," Becky dryly laughed. "He tried, but she's not gonna forgive me. And I don't even know what I did that made her mad at me," Becky whispered.

"Sasha has a way with kids. She'll try to get Makenna to come through alright?" Charlotte says. Becky exhales and nods. "Good," Charlotte smiles. "We brought some food. Let's go eat."

After coming in about five minutes after Charlotte, Sasha made it to Becky's house. She put her keys on the counter and walked up the stairs to Makenna's room.

She knocked on the door and opened it to see Makenna on her bed, reading a book, getting her attention. She smiled. "Hi, Aunt Mercy," she said. "Hey, baby girl," she smiles. "How are you?" "Good."

Sasha sits next to Makenna on her bed. "Did you start your project yet?" She asked, making Makenna frown. "No. I'm not doing it," she says. "Makenna, you have to. You know daddy's gonna be upset if you don't. I mean, even Mason's doing it. And you know he never does his homework," Sasha smiles making Makenna laugh a little.

"I'm not talking to mommy anymore. Just because Mason chose daddy, doesn't mean that I can't do him either," Makenna says. "Makenna, your mom misses you. She wants to talk to you," she says. Makenna shakes her head. "Mommy got into a fight with daddy and she went with that guy and she got into the accident and now she doesn't remember me and she doesn't love me anymore," Makenna says.

"Kenna, of course, Mommy loves you," Sasha says. "Daddy tells all of us that she cries herself to sleep because she misses you. Just because she lost her memory, that doesn't mean she lost her love for you," Sasha explains.

"Makenna," Sasha says taking her hand. "Do you wanna know a secret?" Makenna looks at her and nods.

"When you were born, and the doctors told me and Aunt Charlotte that you were gone, we didn't want to tell your mom. You were a surprise to her and the thought of losing you would've made her not be the same," Sasha says, moving the hair from Makenna's face.

"And when she saw you for the first time after she won the title, it was probably the best thing that has ever happened to her. Just because she doesn't remember any of those memories, she still has the memory of loving you," Sasha whispers wiping the tear that was falling from Makenna's eye.

"Please, Makenna," Sasha exhales. "Talk to mommy. She misses you." Makenna wipes the tears from her eyes. "I'm just scared," she whispers. "Of what baby girl?" "April and Corey already took me away from mommy and daddy. And now, somebody took mommy away from me. What if someone comes and takes daddy away?" Makenna looks at Sasha with more tears falling from her eyes.

"I know, hon. I know. But I promise. The only thing that's taking you away from your dad is his job. But, he would never leave you or Mason or Emery or mommy. You just have to trust me on this, OK?" Sasha says. Makenna sighs and nods. "I love you, Aunt Mercy," she slightly smiles. Sasha smiles back and hugs her niece. "I love you too."

658 words

This chapter was also kind of sad, but at least we're getting somewhere! Makenna finally agrees to talk to Becky, which is a good sign! I'm not sure if I want to continue this off to the next chapter or move on to Dean and how he acts when he gets back to work and he has to deal with all the questions.

I'm going to explain more about the "project" a little bit later, so get ready hoes! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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