S I X T Y - O N E

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Dean and Emery made it outside the school and saw Mason and Makenna screaming at each other. "Dada," Emery giggles pointing at her siblings fighting. Dean chuckles as he looks down at her. "When your baby brother or sister comes to this world, please don't fight with them, Em. You're too innocent for fights," he picks her up. Emery giggles as she leans her head back on Dean's shoulder.

"Alright, alright," Dean calls getting their attention. "What did I tell you guys about fighting?" Dean says. "Tell Makenna to stop being a little brat," Mason points at his sister. Makenna swats his hand away. "Tell Mason to stop acting like he's the boss of everyone," Makenna explains. "I know I'm the boss of you. Not everyone," Mason teases. "See, daddy?" Makenna exclaims. Dean chuckles. "Can we just go home?" He says. The twins groan as the follow their dad to the car.

The twins eyes glow when they see Becky in the car. "Mommy," they cheer getting in the car. Becky looks behind her. "Hey, guys," she fake smiled, doing what Dean told her to do. "Where were you, mommy?" Mason smiled as Dean sat in the car. "Uh," she started, but Dean stopped her. "You know mommy has to go back to work soon, buddy," Dean says putting his seatbelt on. "She had a lot of meetings to go to," he said starting the car. "Oh," Mason responds. Dean could feel Becky starring at him, but he didn't look back at her.

The car ride home was mostly questions and comments from the twins to Becky, but Dean saved her by answering them for her. Every time he said something, she looked at him with confusion on his face, especially when Makenna asked him when he's going back to work.

After a 10 minute drive, the family made it home and Mason and Makenna were out of the car and in the house.

"What does she mean by 'going back to work'?" Becky asked taking off her seatbelt. Dean scoffs. "I don't just get this house handed to me, Becky. I have to work for it," Dean says getting out the car. "Do you want me to help you?" He asked before closing the door. "I think I'll be OK," she huffs, before opening the door. Dean rolled his eyes as he helped Emery out of her car seat. "Mama," she cheered, reaching over to Becky. Becky stepped back, a bit scared. Dean noticed her reaction and frowned a bit.

"Em, look," Dean pointed at Becky's leg. "Mommy can't hold you right now," he explained to her. Emery shook her head and reached over to Becky again. "Emery," Dean says, gently putting her arms down. Emery started whimpering. "Jonathan, it's OK," she smiles. "Are you sure, Becks?" Dean asked wiping Emery's tears. Becky nods. He sighs before giving Emery to Becky. "Don't cry, princess," Becky coos wiping Emery's tears. "I'm right here. I just really wish I remember you," she whispers, before ending it with a sigh.

Dean closed the trunk door and came back with Emery's bag. "C'mon. Let's go inside," he says getting her attention. She nods her head as she follows him inside the house.

It was around seven at night and Dean wanted to get rid of the elephant in the room.

"Do you want me to be there?" Becky asked softly as she walked into the kitchen slowly. Dean took his head out of his hands and looked at her. "What?" He asked. "Do you want me to be there? You know, when you tell them?" She asked again. Dean sighs. "I don't know. Do you want to be there?" He asks her. She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really think I'll be a huge effect if I'm there," she slightly smiles.

Dean shrugs his shoulders. "If you want to. I'm not going to force you to do something that you don't want to." "Can I ask you something?" Becky asked. Dean nods. "Did we, you know, do something for this to happen?" She says putting her hand on her flat belly. He slightly smiles and nods his head. "Oh," she says. 

"I'm sorry." "For what?" "Not remembering everything. I don't even remember my own kids," she scoffs. Dean shakes his head. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for it," he stands up before going to the dining room, to see Mason and Makenna doing their homework, peacefully.

"Looks like you guys made up," Dean smiles. Mason looks up from his paper and looks over at Makenna. "I'm not talking to her anymore. She followed me here," Mason says. Makenna huffs as she puts her pencil down. "Daddy, you know I always do my homework here. I did nothing wrong," Makenna says. 

Dean chuckles. "Come here, guys. I have to talk to you about something." "Thanks, Mas. You got us in trouble," Makenna mumbles. "I didn't do anything," Mason shrieks. "No one's in trouble. Just come, sit down so I can talk to you."

The twins sat down next to Dean, Makenna on his left and Mason on his right.

Dean sighed before starting. "I haven't been really honest with you guys today," he says earning confused looks. "Remember when mommy used to have someone come over and his name was Luke?" He asked the twins. They nod. "I didn't like him. Mommy was always hanging out with him," Makenna said having some disgust on her face. "That's my daughter," Dean laughed in his head.

"Well, one day, mommy came home late and she and I had a fight about it. Mommy left the house and then she got into an accident," Dean explains. "But mommy's OK. She just hurt her leg," Mason says. "Kind of, buddy," Dean trails off. "What happened to mommy, daddy?" Makenna asks.

Dean sighs again. "When mommy got into the accident, something happened to her head, and she has this thing called Amnesia. It means that it got rid of her memory," Dean admits. It was quiet for a bit. "So mommy doesn't remember me or Makenna or Emery or anything?" Mason asks. "I'm sorry, Mas," Dean says.

Mason stands up. "It's all your fault," he yells at Dean. "It's not daddy's fault, Mason," Makenna yells at Mason. "Yes, it is! He got into the fight with mommy in the first place," Mason yells at his sister. "No, it's mommy's fault! She started to hang out with that guy and that's why she doesn't remember us. Don't blame daddy when it's all mommy's fault," Makenna yells back.

"I hate you. I wish you were never my sister," Mason glares. "You can't hate me more than I hate you," Makenna pushes Mason out the way and going to her room. Mason turns around and looks at Dean.

"I hate you."

1141 words

HEYY! So, now you know that Makenna and Mason are having problems.

Starting from the next chapter, whenever anything is in italics, it shows Becky's memories. Some memories will be from Switch Up and some memories will be ones that you've never heard of. So, tighten your seatbelts hoes!

But, next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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