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When Annabeth woke up, she felt amazing. It was pretty crazy, since she woke up only about 2 hours after she'd fallen asleep. The first thing Annabeth noticed, was Percy. He was sitting up on the bed, his breathing quick and panicked, then she noticed the person in the room. Annabeth screamed, pulling the sheets up. The figure, who had previously been rummaging around the closet, froze, slowly turning towards them. It was Leo. He grinned at them, and Percy got out of the bed, grabbing Leo by the front of his shirt. Annabeth heard Percy growl at him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!? You scared the shit out of me!"

"I was looking for my phone. I left it in your closet."

"Why is your phone in my closet!?" Percy snapped, leading Leo out of the bedroom. Annabeth laid down, her eyes closed, calming her heart-rate. She couldn't believe Leo Valdez had snuck into Percy's apartment for his phone, rather than just waiting until they were awake.

When Percy came back, he looked annoyed. He laid down beside Annabeth, running a hand through his hair. She rolled over, putting a hand on his chest. "You okay, Seaweed Brain?"

"Yeah. I mean, Leo is like my brother, but he's annoying." Percy sighed, putting his arm around her waist, hugging her body to his. "Sometimes I just want to strangle him."

Annabeth frowned and kissed his cheek. "Sounds like you need a distraction..."

"I need Leo to stop bothering me." Percy huffed, hugging Annabeth tightly still, both arms around her body. "But that's not gonna happen any time soon."

"So, in the mean time, how about I distract you?" Annabeth whispered, massaging his chest with her good hand lightly. Percy looked at her, as if he didn't believe she wanted too. She was fine with it, as long as she helped him. She just wasn't sure how she was supposed too distract him without exhausting herself.

"You don't have too, Wise Girl," Percy sighed, brushing her hair out of her face. "I'm supposed to take care of you-"

"We're supposed to take care of each other, Percy. That means that I help you, too." He sighed softly, and Annabeth kissed him lovingly. Percy smiled, pulling her closer.

Annabeth broke away from the kiss, though, and straddled Percy's hips. He inhaled sharply, eyes widening in surprise. She was still naked from the night before. Percy's hands slid up her body, touching her everywhere. Annabeth bit her lip, trying to concentrate as he played with her breasts. Annabeth closed her eyes, trying to think. She couldn't. Her brain wasn't right when he touched her body. Especially when he was this close to being inside of her. Annabeth leaned down to kiss him.

It got pretty intense pretty fast. Percy's hands moved over every piece of skin he could reach. Which was a lot. Annabeth moaned into his mouth, before forcing herself to pull away. She grabbed his hands, stopping their exploration of her body. Percy pouted, and she giggled. "Keep that up, and there is no way in hell I'll ever be able to actually keep you distracted. You'll distract me too much."

He grinned cheekily at her, and Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Pick one place, and keep them there."

"Not gonna happen, babe." He smirked and squeezed one of her breasts in his hand, making her skin heat up. His other hand gripped the underside of her thigh, making Annabeth's core tingle with desire. She swallowed, biting her lip as want made her body crave his touch more and more.

"Seriously, you are making this very hard."

"You're making me very hard." She blushed and grabbed his hand, removing it from her breast. She placed his hand on her thigh. "Actually... Give me five seconds..." Percy rolled them over so Annabeth was on her back, before getting off the bed entirely. Annabeth snorted, watching him. He took off his pants and boxers before pinning her to the bed once again. Annabeth put her cast hand on the back of his neck, trying to not stare at his body. He kissed her, and Annabeth put her good hand on the small of his back, moaning softly. One of Percy's hands slid down her body to spread her legs, before he pressed his hips close to hers, teasing her entrance. Annabeth moaned before he slid inside of her, thrusting his hips against hers slowly. It was slow and sweet, and Percy moved to prop himself up on his hands, pressed to the mattress on either side of Annabeth's head. Annabeth loved that he was taking it slow, though she wished he would let her distract him like she wanted too.

Annabeth gripped Percy's hip with her good hand, moaning as his slow, sensual movements sped up slightly. She was used to fast, hard, heavy thrusts that left her breathless. The slow, careful thrusts were different, in a good way. They sent sensations through her body that she had never felt before, that she loved feeling. Annabeth had the feeling that this was different from every other time she had sex. She had a feeling that she knew what people meant when they said that someone was making love to them. She was almost certain that's what was happening now. Annabeth's heart pounded faster as he prodded her bottom lip with his tongue. Annabeth opened her mouth, letting him in with a gentle moan, the hand on the back of his neck pulling him closer, despite being in a cast.

Percy's movements sped up, and Annabeth's moans got louder. As Percy's thrusts got harder and faster, Annabeth realized something else. This time, unlike every other time, there wasn't a flimsy roll of plastic separating them. Every other time they'd had sex, Percy had used a condom. This time he didn't, and she was fine with it. It felt better than anything in the world. It felt amazing.

Percy's tongue fought against hers for dominance as his body continued to move against hers. Annabeth rolled her hips against his in response, moaning as he pushed harder against her hips, pushing her more into the mattress. Annabeth tightened her grip on Percy's hip, her fingers digging into his skin.

He moved faster, and faster, and Annabeth could feel it building up in her stomach, ready to explode, ready to let go. She finally exploded, when Percy did, and Annabeth moaned as his body continued moving against hers, until they were both weak from exhaustion. Percy pulled out of her, laying down on his back to avoid crushing her. Annabeth hummed as he pulled her close, an arm around her waist.

"That was one hell of a distraction." He grinned, breathing heavily, one hand rubbing her side, sending shivers up and down her body. Annabeth smiled, moaning quietly in response. He knew what he was doing to her. He was doing it all on purpose too.

"Not what I mean to do." Annabeth smiled, putting her head on his chest. She looked up at him, massaging his chest with her hand.

"It still worked." He smiled, kissing her.

"Mhmm..." Annabeth hummed, smiling. "I was supposed to distract you, Seaweed Brain."

He grinned up at the ceiling, arm still around her waist. "You did, just differently from how you meant too." Annabeth huffed, kissing his lips. "I love you." Percy hummed, closing his eyes with a smile on his face. Annabeth smiled happily at that, pressing a kiss to his chest.

"I love you too."

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