Face to Face

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Note- This is your guide

(F/N)-First name

(L/N)-Last name

(H/C)- Hair color

(E/C)-Eye color


Protecting a new city is easy, but playing nice with the other Pro-Hero in the area is a real pain in the ass.

Shouto, that's the name of the Pro-Hero within the city I have to move to. From what I herd he's quite the hot-shot...or cold-shot, so I can imagine he won't be too happy having another Pro-Hero in the area.


Oh the train stopped.

According to the "Hero Code" I have to introduce myself to the other Pro-Hero, what a bother...

"Wow this place is huge!" you say out loud, you were dressed formally, you wore a grey pencil skirt, a white dress shirt and a black tie. Your (H/C) hair was tied back into a slick high pony tail.

Your black heels clicked on the tile floors as you walked in, one of the novice heroes working under Shouto looked at you, stood up, bowed and said

"Please follow me Ma'am"

You complied and followed the young hero, he seemed so nervous. Poor thing.

You both enter the elevator, you notice the young hero was shaking, so you rested a hand on his shoulder and said

"Hey breathe, can't have you pass-out on me now huh? I still need your guidance as you know I've never been here before." you give him a kind smile and humorous tone. He relaxed and finally spoke,

"Th-thank you Ma'am, I'm sorry about that I just was anticipating your arrival and practiced what I was going to do because I want to leave a good impression and to not disappoint Mister Shouto!!"

A fanboy.

"Ahhh...I see well I am flattered and I'm sure Shouto is very lucky to have you!" you said at the elevator dinged,

"Thank you! O-oh! T-this is the floor! Proceed down the hall way, the very last door is Shouto's office! Have a good day!" He said as the elevator doors shut.

You're smile dropped as you looked towards the last door in the Hallway.


Your heels clicked as you made your way down to the door, you weren't nervous rather you were thinking about this Shouto, what was he like?


"Come in" a cold male voice said from behind the door.

You walked into the office, a pair of cold eyes hit you like bullets.

You return the cold stare, you sit down in a chair in front of his desk as of now you and Shouto finally meet face to face.

"Miss (L/N), a pleasure to finally meet you." He bowed his head

"I see you've done your homework, but so did I Mister Todoroki, the pleasure is all mine." you bowed your head as well.

His eyes narrowed at you for a second but then returned to their normal state.

"So you have, in that case let's cut to the chase, I will not reject our partnership, however I will ask you to stand down if or when I tell you to, understand?" he said coldly

"No, look I enjoy working on my own, but this partner ship seems alright, still I will not refuse to 'stand down' as I am my own Hero not one of your lackeys, understand?" you mocked him. He then said

"Fine, welcome to the city I look forward to the future, Faded-Form."

"As do I, Shouto."

You both shake hands and nod to each other. He sits down, and you leave to set up your house.

She seems interesting...

He seems complex...

Note-This is just an introduction entry, more chapters are coming later! I hope you enjoyed, and will hopefully continue to enjoy this story! Cya next chapter!

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