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17th December, 2004

"Evan?" Nira called, her voice ringing clearly through the rooms of her small but cozy house. She rubbed her fingers together: it was still cold, even if the crackling fireplace did provide some protection from the rattling snowstorm that was blowing through the streets of the out-of-the-way suburban town. Looks like we'll have a white Christmas this year, she thought gleefully. I don't remember having one since I was seven! 

"Evan?" she tried again. "I'm going to buy some wrapping paper for the presents!" Hearing no reply, she decided she wasn't going to wait for her boyfriend to reply: after all, he was probably assembling the aforementioned gifts, and he probably didn't want to be disturbed: after all, Nira knew all too well how much of a control freak he was at times. It was their first year living together and Evan wanted it to be perfect.

Turning around, she shuffled forwards, her heavy boots dragging across the mauve carpet. She pulled open the door, pocketing the wad of cash she'd grabbed from the tabletop. 

What was thatshe thought suddenly, turning around. She could've sworn she'd heard a sudden creak. No, don't be silly, Nira, she snapped at herself. This house is forty years old; what do you expect? The ghost of Christmas Past? 

Rolling her eyes, she turned around and locked the door behind her. She was too far lost in the swirls of white to hear the scream from inside. 

"Nira! What have you done? NO!"

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