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This chapter goes out to KaidoKurahana , whose "How to Comment Like A Human Being" (out of all her stories) jolted me to life and reminded me why we write

"The communication's satellite between Earth and Mars is being launched a week from tonight.

"It must not be allowed to reach orbit."

Manta looked between Kaldur and Rose with a critical eye, and Rose wondered how much of their relationship Manta was aware of. It was ridiculous to think that they could keep it a secret for very long, even if Michael, Adam, and Drake weren't constantly up in her business. When your father cared about you as much as Manta did for Kaldur, you told him everything.

"It will be launched from Cape Canaveral by Ferris Air, and the whole thing will be broadcast live, so it is imperative you remain out of sight whenever possible. Familiarize yourselves with their systems and devise a plan. The Light will provide you with whatever you require."

"Thank you, Father," Kaldur nodded and led Rose from the room. 

"Who do you want on our team?" He asked.

"Shouldn't we plan how we're going to take down that rocket first?"

"I have personally always found it easier to plan around the strengths of a team, rather than the other way around."

Rose shrugged. "I guess you are the one who spent years leading the team that thwarted the Light at every turn. Okay, I'll take your lead on this one, big guy. Who do you want?"

"Michael's squad. Perhaps I am biased because he makes excellent coffee, but they are the best at stealth."

So that meant Adam and Drake would be there too, but she couldn't exactly argue against the necessity of stealth.

"Drake is one of the men most experienced with munitions, maybe we want the big guns on this."

Kaldur raised a brow in her direction. "I suppose that would ensure destruction of the comm-sat...You confer with Adam over Ferries Air's technology, and I'll discuss our best weaponry options with Drake."

Rose grinned and gave Kaldur a salute, "I'll get back to you in two hours."

The news feed from G. Gordon Godfrey's broadcast was blurry from underwater, but gradually grew clearer the closer the Flyer got to Cape Canaveral. That itself was a painstakingly careful process, as the weaponry Drake had recommended for this mission was too large to fit aboard the Flyer. The missile launch pad was dragged behind the flyer, attached by two cables that could detach with the slightest disturbance.

Rose listened to the interview with the fake Martian Manhunter- most likely Miss Martian in disguise. Half the Justice League may have been

"Has anyone asked whether Earth wants more communication with aliens?" Godfrey demanded of Carol Ferris, CEO of Ferris Aircraft and President of the Earth-Mars Communications Innitiative.

"Our galaxy contains billions of stars, yet Earth and Mars are warmed by the same sun. Isn't it time we get to know them?" Miss Ferris asked patiently, trying to direct her question at the rest of the crowd of reporters and the television audience for their consideration in an effort to discourage Godfrey.

Godfrey didn't take well to being ignored. "So that's it? Borrow a cup of Martian sugar? While our world is being invaded!?" He snapped at his cameraman.

Adam couldn't help it, he burst into laughter and drowned out the rebuttal from the Martian.

Rose took a moment more to coordinate their timers with the large one shown on the live TV before shutting it off. "T-minus fifty-eight minutes until the Comm-sat launches." She informed Kaldur.

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