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"K N O C K    K N O C K"Namjoon woke up to sound of knocks echoing through his apartment building, waking the young man up

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"K N O C K    K N O C K"
Namjoon woke up to sound of knocks echoing through his apartment building, waking the young man up. Namjoon ignored the knocking and shut his eyes again, only to open them seconds later when more potent knocks sounded again, finally prompting the man to wake up and get up. Namjoon groaned and ran his hand tiredly down the side of his face, shivering when his feet hit the cold wood floor beneath when getting up. "Alright, alright! I'm coming", he stumbled out of his room and made his way to the door, still in his Ryan pajamas and his peach colored bed hair quite similar to the hair of Albert Einstein.

He opened the door, not even looking who was there, "hel- Oh." Namjoon looked at the ground just outside his door, instead of seeing what he thought was the mail man or his neighbor that always asked to borrow his stuff, he instead say a wooden basket with something black peeking out from under an piece of cloth. Namjoon peeked his head out of his door, looking down the two hallways to see if he could see anyone who'd done this but didn't see anyone, he sighed and grabbed the basket before going back inside and safely locking the door. Namjoon crouched down in front of the basket and hesitantly lifted the piece of cloth and gasped when seeing a kitten, it's fur black, quite similar to the color of the sky at midnight and it's eyes still closed. Namjoon carefully lifted the cat out of the basket and into his arms, the kitten seeming as delicate as glass in his strong arms. The small kitten fluttered it's eyes open, beautiful chocolate colored eyes meeting with Namjoon's.
"Who would leave you here outside of a strangers door like that?" He asked, not really expecting an answer as his fingers scratched behind the cat's ears, the cat seeming hesitant and careful before nuzzling into Namjoon's warm touch. Namjoon smiled at the gesture and wrapped the shivering kitten in the cloth it arrived with, making sure it was warm and comfortable in his hands. "Hmmm, I think I'll name you... Taehyung." He announced, the cat seeming to understand Namjoon as the kitten intently stared at him and mewled.
"Don't worry kitty, I'll take good care of you."

Namjoon and Taehyung had grown profoundly closer over the next few months, Taehyung growing to trust and be comfortable around the human that took care of him and Namjoon treating the cat as if it were his own child. Because of this, Namjoon had also noticed a lot of strange things about the midnight cat; the cat seemed way more wiser and more human-like than any other animal he'd met before, he also found the cat often staring at him with it's mesmerizing chocolate orbs. Namjoon couldn't help but feel a little creeped out, especially when he would be changing in front of Taehyung or the cat would walk in on him naked, the cat would always seem to be staring at him and he would sense eyes burning holes into his ass. But Namjoon thought nothing of it, just deciding that was what cats do and he loved and trusted Taehyung with all his heart. Even when he had male friends over and the cat would stare daggers at them and scratched and chased away a potential boyfriend he could have had, but he also debunked it as just over- protection from Teahyung. The cat had also grown mighty fast since the second week he kept it, over a few months what had been a weak and small kitten was now an almost fully grown adult cat.

Namjoon now sat on his couch, watching an movie and playing with Taehyung's fur as he sat on his lap. He started to drift off, the effect of playing with Taehyung's soft fur and the soothing affect of the sun going down outside and pouring into his living room window. He woke up when feeling an pawing at his thigh and looked to see Taehyung looking up at him, the cat's eye lids droopy. Namjoon yawned and smiled sleepily at the cat, "tired? Me too" he whispered to Taehyung, getting up and lifting Taehyung before shutting off the television and turning off all the lights in the kitchen and living room before making his way to his bedroom. The male set Taehyung on his bed before going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower, when done walking out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and making his way to his closet to change.
Not before yet again feeling Taehyung's intense stare on him.


Namjoon woke up an shivering and feverish mess, his face red and breathy moans escaping his bruised lips. he didn't understand why he was moaning and why another moan escaped his lips as he felt sharp teeth nibbling and biting at his neck and chest, creating dark purple bruises and scratches along the golden skin of his neck. Namjoon could barely see anything in the dark and he kept his eyes closed, guessing it was probably just Taehyung. "T-Tae, stop", he murmured and raised his hand to push Teahyung of his neck only to gasp. Namjoon's eyes instantly shot open as he noticed that he wasn't touching fur, he instead was feeling.... warm human skin. "What the fu-", Namjoon tried to scurry off the bed but a body trapped him, the person sitting on Namjoon's waist and holding his arms tight above his head, leaving Namjoon a whimpering and fidgeting mess underneath. "Shhhhh sir, it's only me", an deep and scratchy voice, the affects of not being used in such a long time, whispered above him. Namjoon squinted up at the male above him, trying to see who the strange man was and if he knew him. The male had an beautiful and flawless face with dark black shaggy hair that formed an surprisingly attractive mullet that shaped the males face and created an almost rugged look, complimented with mesmerizing dark chocolate eyes that Namjoon found awfully familiar. Namjoon's eyes widened when he realized he knew those eyes and saw them everyday, "T-Tae?" Namjoon whispered. Taehyung smiled down at Namjoon and nodded, cautious to not scare and frighten Namjoon away. Namjoon shook his head and stared at Taehyung, "h-how? Your a hybrid?" Taehyung nodded and leaned down to slowly and almost hungrily kiss and nip at Namjoon's neck. "Namjoon, do you trust me?" He whispered into Namjoon's ear, sending shivers down Namjoon spine. Namjoon hesitantly nodded, knowing he could trust Taehyung, whether it be in cat form or in human form. "Namjoon.... I have this... uncanny attractiveness to you and find you unmistakably innocent and sexy." The hybrid whispered, his voice dark, making Namjoon squirm as his cat like tongue swiped up Namjoon's neck. Namjoon only nodded, still not quite processing and believing what was happening. "Sir, I know your a virgin and if you'll let me, I would love to claim you as mine". As Taehyung said this, he stared hard at Namjoon, his eyes dark and lust filled, sending shivers and chilling Namjoon. Namjoon hesitated and averted his eyes before nodding and blushing when realizing that Taehyung was sitting naked on his waist and crotch.

"Words, Namjoon" Taehyung growled, his hands gripping tighter on Namjoon's hands above his head, earning a slight whimper from Namjoon. "Y-yes", Namjoon whispered, his voice a quiet quiver in the dark and moving shadows in the room. Taehyung grinded his hips into Namjoon's, leaning down to roughly and passionately press his lips to Namjoon's, catching the moan that escaped Namjoon's plump lips. Namjoon slowly kissed back, his arms trying to free themselves from Taehyung's hold above his head and moaning again when Taehyung continued to grind against his throbbing erection. "T-Taehyung, please" Namjoon whimpered, his hips desperately runting up to meet with Taehyung's. Taehyung's hands traveled and caressed Namjoon's sides, his lips moving and kissing down Namjoon's chin and neck before moving back up to press them and bite Namjoon's ear.

"Don't worry Sir, I'll take good care of you."


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