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"C L I N K

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"C L I N K."
The quiet sound of an camera clicking could barely be heard besides the takers ears as he concentrated, utmost focus as he angled the camera to take a perfect diagonal picture of his model, another clicking sound as his finger pressed the button that would capture the image. His model continued on to walk before turning the curb and the male quickly snapped two more photos before his model entered his house. Park Jimin signed as he stood, stretching his stiff legs as he did, unzipping his backpack and putting in his camera, his most prized possession. He slid back on his backpack and clenched the straps against his chest, walking down the sidewalk as if he had been doing nothing peculiar at all, as if he were a normal student who wasn't just taking pictures of his classmate. Jimin wished he could of taken more photos of his model, he looked especially beautiful today, with his fluffy peach hair that matched with the peach colored sweater he wore, and cute round glasses that sat on his face and every aspect of the male Jimin couldn't wait to admire in his photos later.

Jimin ran the rest home, arriving at his door and taking out his keys and unlocking the front door and opening it, stepping inside and closing the door behind him, "hey mom, I'm home". Jimin walked into the kitchen, seeing his mom already starting on dinner as he grabbed an apple off the kitchen counter. "Hi Jimin, how was school?", Mrs. Park asked her son, still turned towards the stove, "good, I have lots of homework so I better get started", Jimin responded before quickly walking to his bedroom. Once inside he shut the door behind him and went to his desk, setting down his bookbag before emptying out it's contents. Homework, crumpled papers, food, books, and last but certainly not least, his well taken pictures of the beautiful Kim Namjoon.

His brown eyes scanned the photo, taking in every aspect and detail of the photo as if his life depended on it. He sighed and traced his finger around Namjoon's paper face, wishing he could take the man out of the photo and keep him forever, he also wished he was brave enough to ask him out. He grabbed a thumbnail and walked to his closet, walking to the back wall of the long walk in closet before attaching it to a wall, joining other photos of Namjoon. There seemed to be about forty pictures of Namjoon, stacking photos and an rainbow of thumbnails held pictures of Namjoon in class, in an park, in their neighborhood, in an cafe, a library, and other places Jimin had followed the boy to. He stared at all the photos in an trance before being broken out of it by his mother yelling, "dinners ready". Jimin leaned in and kissed small paper lips before switching off the light and leaving, all forty-one Namjoons drenched in darkness.

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Jimin sat in his school library, a book covering his face even as he continuously peeked over the book, his eyes discreetly looking at a certain male he had his eyes on. His small hands clenched the sides of the book, some random novel he had grabbed off the shelf, as he tried to remain calm. But anger had no resentment as he stared on, his Namjoon talking and laughing with some guy he now hated. Namjoon laughed once more again, his beautiful dimpled smile revealing itself and he wished he could take a picture, but he knew it wouldn't be smart to do that with so many students and teachers around.

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