Chapter 6

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Darcy's POV

I looked around, fumbling around with the shirt i had stolen from Ashley. wow... we were at warped! Holy shit! I was totally fangirlling over this. Jeremy looked at me and laughed, as two people I recognized as Ben Bruce and Danny Worsnop strolled up.

"hey Jeremy, whos this cute little girl? your sister?" Ben said as my cheeks flushed bright red. Jeremy laughed.

"no, shes Darcy. My biggest fan"  he winked and put his arm around me. Danny's eyes widen. 

"so im guessing Sammi aint on the bus with ya? what happened?" Ben asked.

"well, she decided to cheat on me, so its whatever. Im gonna do me, get wasted, and have a great time man" he smirked. 

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. 

"imma go to the bus, See how the others are doing, okay?" i smiled at the other two. "cant wait to see you all preform!" i giggled softly and walked to the bus. I could have sworn i heard some wolf whistles behind me.

Jeremys POV

She walked away, Ben giving a few whistles and Danny hitting him in the chest. I laughed and we three went to their bus. 

   "so whats with the sweet new piece of ass" said Bruce, cracking open a beer, and sitting down on the couch. "Sammi not putting out enough?" he joked.

"nope, sammi and I broke up....and Darcys not my piece of ass.  Shes Ashs'. But hey...Sharing is Caring" I said. Ben and Danny both did a spit take. 

"What?" Ben cleaned off his chin

"why?" Danny asked.

"because sammi cheated. might as well get her back for it." I smirked. then i turned to see Ashley at the front door.

 Ashley's POV

I opened the door, and heard Jeremy say that Darcy was just a piece of ass...then i got to thinking.... Have they....have they slept together....i mean shes not my girl....but maybe i do want be my girl...I sighed, frustrated. 

"Hey dude. Andy said he needs to talk with us." he nodded and he filed out.  Along the way, i remained calm.

"dude... if i hear you say anything about my Purdy Girl again.... i will make sure that its the last time you speak....understand?"

"well i mean, shes not yours" he said."shes free territory"

 i took a breath and opened the door to our bus, Andy and the rest, including Darcy were sitting and talking about the set list.

I sat down next to Darcy and smiled at her, and she smiled back. She was way more than a piece of ass.

Darcy's POV

"so...its time guys!  Its time to get up on stage!" said Andy smiling widely as  everyone cheered and darted to get ready, including me. I got into some black ripped skinnies and a black and white tank, putting all my Black Veil Brides merch on. I slipped on band bracelets and lined my lids with black in my carry on mirror. I put in my piercings , and pulled on my boots and stood, walking to the front where the guys where.

When we walked to the stage Asking Alexandria was singing "The Prophecy", everyone moshing in the front of the stage. We went backstage and I watched the band get ready.

Andy smiled at me. "well..wish us luck! We'll be needing it!"

As Asking Alexandria finished their set, Black Veil Brides sat back, Ashley, Jake, and Jeremy tuning their instruments. I sat there as AA  ended their set and announced that the next was BVB.

I watched as AA trampled off and the guys went on. I stood at the side lines and watched, some of the girls giving me dirty looks, but i didnt care. I watched as Andy started singing "Rebel Love Song". I began singing along, Andy smirking at me and continuing to sing. 

All of a sudden i felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me to view onto the stage, I saw that it was none other than Andy himself. My cousin looked at me and sang, looking at me as if to say 'sing along with me Darce'.

So i began to sing along with Andy, my voice an octave higher, and matching the notes that he sung, harmonizing with him. When we finished the song I looked at him and smiled, and i got off the stage, and went to the sidelines again, jamming out as they finished their set. As they filed off, I followed. Ash was excited, and feeling great.  I looked around at the others who were just as excited, and smiled. 

"you all did great!!" i said smiling as i gave Andy a hug.  He hugged back and i moved through everyone, and finally I was infront of Ashley. He hugged me...Then something happened that i didnt think would happen...

As I leaned in to hug Ashley, He leaned and whispered in my ear. "Follow me"

I looked at him and nodded, following him to a more secluded part of backstage. He faced me and as soon as he turned around, his lips landed on mine.  

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