Chapter 11

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Darcys' POV 

I gathered my thoughts as he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a small diamond and silver band, and it fit me perfectly. I almost couldn't take my eyes off the shiny, beautiful band , until i realized that i had my ultrasound in about an hour.

"Shiiiiit" I groaned and looked up at Ash. He looked at me, confused. "i have my first ultrasound today" I said as I pulled away, ransacking my clothes and looking for something that wasn't dirty. Ash handed me a Motley Crue shirt and smiled, kissing my cheek. 

"Well we don't wanna miss this, now do we" I smiled at his words and began getting ready. Pulling on some comfortable black opaque leggings and the Motley Crue shirt, I looked in the mirror and smiled. This was as good as I was gonna look, clothing wise. I worked on my makeup, making sure that i didn't apply so much eyeliner that i looked like a raccoon. I applied some red lipstick and finished my makeup off. 

We left the Hotel room, and went to the OBGYN  I was recommended to. I signed in and waited, the whole gang in the waiting room with me. I felt nervous as hell, but then I felt ash squeezing my hand softly. I smiled and waited for my name to be called. It seemed like forever...

Finally a petite nurse came from behind the door.

"Darcy McBryde?" she looked at me and smiled kindly, as I stood with Ash to my right. "Follow me right this way." She led me to have my vitals taken, and sat me and Ash in a room. The OB finally came in after fifteen minutes and smiled, closing the door behind her. 

"Nice to meet you Ms.McBryde. Im your OB, Dr. Sandra Tannon. This must be the father, Nice to meet you as well" She smiled and shook both our hands. "Are you all ready for your first sneak peek at the little one?" She said in a cheerful voice, as we nodded eagerly. 

She had me lie down on the ultrasound table, and pull my shirt up slightly, and my leggings down slightly. She cleaned the area and then squirted some sort of gel on my stomach that was so cold, I shivered. She then put the transducer on the gel and spread it around. I began to hear its heartbeat, and my eyes welled up. I looked up at Ash, who's mouth was turned up in an eager smile. 

"There's your baby" She said, pointing out a small area on the screen. She smiled and turned up the sound of the heartbeat...

After the ultrasound, she wrote down and prescribed me prenatal vitamins. I took the paper, and led Ash out the door, thanking them for what they did. The guys waited patiently in the waiting room for us. 

Andy was the first to stand and walk over. He saw the ultrasound pictures the OB had given me. His eyes widened, and he looked up at Ash. "you know that if you leave now or any other time, im kicking your ass, right? This baby is real and living, and will need you, as well as Darcy" Ash nodded.

"I wouldn't leave her side, even if I could" He said, reassuringly.

Ashley's POV

I cant believe this is actually real... this baby.... I looked at her ultrasound pictures again as my mind raced. 'Was i gonna be a good father to this child....' I trembled slightly, until I looked over at Darcy...My Purdy girl..

She was asleep, and curled up under one of the blankets. She looked so cute... I smiled at the thought of waking up next to that everyday. She let out a little yawn and re positioned herself. I was in the middle of daydreaming, when there was a knock at the door. I looked out to see Andy. I let him in and laughed quietly.

"forget the key to the room again?" I asked. He chuckled and sat down. 

"nah.. i just needed to have a man to man with you.." I looked at him and sat down.

"go for it"

"I want you to ensure me that you're gonna stick with her... and with the baby." He said bluntly. I looked at him.

"I already told you , I'm sticking with her and our child... They're all the family I have. I wont ruin that" Andy nodded and smiled.

"thank you.. I just don't want her to end up like all alone.... she really does love you." I nodded.

" And I love her and my child." 

We sat and talked, for what seemed like forever, until Darcy woke up. Her dazed and tired expression made me smile. I walked over and kissed the top of her head. "Have a good rest, Purdy Girl?" She nodded and wiped her eyes, sitting up and stretching. 

Andy smiled and quietly exited, to give us some time. 

I kissed her stomach and held her tight. 

"I love you, Darcy" I whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Ash"  she whispered back, as she closed her eyes again, falling asleep. I laid her down on her side and snuggled close to her, and drifted off to sleep.


I hope you guys enjoy the new installment of Saving Darcy! 

Much love

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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