Immortal Destiny

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My name is Alexis.Im the most popular girl in school,i have my own car,im 16 and i love my boyfriend Josie.Im a girl with a normal life well i used to have a normal life.It was my first day at Spartanburg Highschool and i was ready to see the boys that adored me and my crew,The Sparkles.Everything was planned perfectly until i walked into the school.Everyone stared at me and i saw eyes look up me and then i heard someone yell.

???? : Alexis,over here!

Alexis : (runs over)Chelsea! (hugs)

Chelsea : (hugs)Okay now i have something to tell you.

Alexis : Sure like what (texting)

Chelsea : Its a meeting smart one! (pulls her into empty classroom)


Alexis : O

???? : M

???? : G!

Alexis : Megan and Hannah(runs over and hugs them)

Megan : (hugs) Girl you are looking beautiful and blonde as always!

Hannah : Totally hot outfit girl.You have to let me borrow!

Alexis : You know it (begins laughing)

Chelsea : Earth to Sparkles!!

Hannah : Oh yeah meeting time (claps hands loudly 2 times)

Megan : As we all know us 4 are the most popular chicks in pretty much the entire school!

All : Agreed!

Hannah : But we have so much bad news for you Alexis!

Alexis : Nothing can ruin this day right now! But fine hit me!

Megan : (slaps her)

Alexis : (holding onto cheek and punches her in arm)Not literally jackass.

Chelsea : ANYWAYS.Alexis,we saw Josie kissing Jenna Mason.

Alexis : (laughs)Thats impossible.Its only the first day of school.Nothing could possibly be going on right now.

Hannah : It's true.Lets go talk to him.


Josie : I love you.

Jenna : (kisses him)Love you more honey lips.

Josie : (kisses her)

Jenna : (pulling back looking at phone)Bae i gotta go to class.I love you(kisses him)

Josie : Alright fine(kisses her)Bye

Alexis : (walks to Josie's locker)Hey babyboy.

Josie : Hey babygirl(kisses her)Missed you all summer.

Alexis : Same too you.(kisses him and wraps leg around him)

Girls : Ugh!

Josie : Hey chicks.

Megan : Wassup boy in the obey hat.

Hannah : Hello again Hoe Say.

Chelsea : Ugh

Alexis : Okay so a little birdy told me that you were cheating on me with Jenna Mason..?Is that true?

Josie : WHAT? Who said that?I would never cheat on you bae(tries to kiss her)

Alexis : (puts fingers on his lips)You havent answered my question.

Josie : I promise you its not true bae.Alright?Dont worry about it.

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