Meeting Marceline and bumping to a stranger

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Jade's POV

…… Oh my god Alice know's Swedish?

"Yo stupid, when did you learn Swedish?"I whispered to alice then she gave me a death stare. Oh god but the driver said 'Vi kom' or we arrived

Alice's POV

'Tack' i said meaning thank you and gave the driver much more money than the fine. I said" behålla växeln"and got off the cab.but jade stared at me like she doesn't know what ' behålla växeln'means.

Being an awsome sister i am i said it means keep the change.

"Oh~ that's why he didn't give us the change."she exclaimed

"Who's the stupid now?"hah I'm  such a horrible person

---after meeting Marceline---

I'm Home~! i exclaimed "yo dis is mai haus ya bum" said marceline.

Right! i forgot YouTube

'Oh god YouTube!'

I asked marceline if we could play GTA 5 together

'k seems not a problem to me.'

--------after seting up--------

Starting now!

"Heyo! Smashers smashgamer here and we're playin GTA 5!"after my intro jade started her's"

"Yoyoyo Omfggamer's in da haus! With GTA 5 OMFG YEAH!"Then marceline's intro

"Yellope?! Mah pretty vampires it's awsomemarcline hia with GTA 5 hell yeah!"

--------after recording-------- "yo marce we're going to our house did you send mah stuff?"

"yeah pretty much everything ecept for the equipment , i should take you there it's ok?"

'thanks i was about to ask'

'no problemo let's go!'

I took our equipment and got on Marceline's car

------arived at da house------

"Well got to go! good luck on unpacking!"

"okay! stay safe!"

"Yo jade you go get the stuff inside while i go around here"

'ok I'll come when I'm done'

Wow Sweden is really clean

then i heard jade shout at me 'yo! wait for meh'

I stopped and then start walking when Jade was close enough.

But i bumped int someone

'Ouch!'wow that hurt

"I'm so sorry, are you Ok?"I heard a familiar voice.


Dun dun dunn~  cliffhanger lol you'd probably guessed who bumped with jade

I'll update next wedsday to thursday(in Korean time) so just wait!





Smashgamer out boop!           ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)

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