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Today was different...

Really different.

It wasn't as if the day felt different, or the light from the golden chandelier was different...


The room I had been locked into for ages had changed.

Everything was vaguely familiar, but the walls were a different color. They were now an eerie white color, and the chandelier cast white light onto the table instead of yellow. The flowers were also white. Most things in the room now were that bright color.

But there were three things that were weirder than all the others.

The first being the fact that I had fallen asleep on my bed, yet I woke up on the floor in the same position. The bed had been removed completely.

The second being that the fireplace was no longer there. Instead, a large, light blue door stood in place of it.

And third, perhaps the strangest...

The music had stopped completely. I had spent forever praying that the horrid classical music would stop, and now that it had, I oddly wanted it back. At least that had felt normal, and I had begun to grow used to it.

What the hell was happening to me?


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