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                                                                                -Jimin's Perspective-

"I don't remember a thing."

Despite what I told them I remembered everything.

I remember dancing in the studio with Hobi-hyung. Tae's laugh would always echo off of the walls, and Kookie would laugh and joke along with him. Namjoon and Jin would often be in the kitchen together, even though Namjoon couldn't cook to save his life. Yoongi-hyung didn't speak much, and he was often in his own world, but I knew he cared about us all the same.

I remember that day at the beach where everything fell apart.

It was supposed to be a simple trip. Just a day at the beach, all of us laughing and swimming. It was supposed to be a break from school and all of the other things that were causing us stress. It was also one of the last trips that Namjoon could spend with us before he moved.

But Tae decided to jump off of that tower, and then we all panicked.

He took forever to come up from the waves, and when he didn't surface Jin jumped in after him.

Tae was okay, but he wasn't the same after that. None of us were.

Tae stopped laughing and was always coming up with excuses to not hang out with us. Then Namjoon moved, and Kookie and Yoongi had a fight.

We all just stopped hanging out with each other, and I haven't seen Jin since.

Hobi-Hyung and I kept in touch for a while, but then he started drifting away too. He stopped coming to therapy with me, and then my seizures started.

That's when my life became bland and boring.

Then they brought me into this room, and never let me out.

Maybe I would die in here.


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