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   Its around 7:30 when the two nervous boys head out, to go on their date. Izuku is completely oblivious to what Shoto has planned but Shoto is confident nonetheless.

   On the other end, Bakugou locked himself in his room, he hasn't come out since he got punched. His jaw still aches. Kirishima tries to visit but only gets denied, "Hey Bakuhoe, Let's go on a date" the door opens slowly to reveal a messy looking Bakugou. His hair is a mess, he has bags under his eyes and a purplish red bruise on his jaw. "Oh god Bakugou!" Kirishima embraces the boy while he feels tears soaking his shoulder. A light knock is heard as Kirishima turns to open the door "Hello-" Kirishima stops dead "Outta my way Red" an annoyed man pushes him outta the way. Kirishima pokes his head out of the door and sees exactly what he expects.. But with more hickeys.

   "Oi, Bakugou" Bakugou looks up in surprise and sees none other then his ex-boyfriend "I heard you weren't doing to good." Bakugou looks down clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry" is the only thing that left his lips "tch" Midoryia goes to turn around but a weak hand grabs his wrist "Can't we be friends again? I know that I hurt you and I'm sorry, I truly am.. You didn't deserve it, you do deserve Todoroki, I've never heard anything come from him... At all" a faint "HEY!" is heard as Todoroki tries to defend himself

    "What I'm trying to say is give me another chance, not to date. But to be friends." Tears well in Izuku's eyes, this is all he wanted to hear from his childhood friend "Okay, Kacchan" Bakugou stands up, pulling the taller boy into a hug

   "When did you get so tall Deku?" Izuku starts laughing, "Ive been taller then you the whole time" Bakugou turns red and shoves him away "There's the Bakugou I remembered" Bakugou's face falls "sorry" he mumbles "Nonono I just mean your back! Not in a slump" Bakugou chuckles "Yeah, thanks to you, shitty Deku" the two laugh as Midoryia checks his watch "Well its 8:13 and I promised Sho I'd go on a date with him, you should go with Kirishima"

   As if on cue the red head walked in "That's what I said!" Bakugou turns his head "He called me Bakuhoe" Izuku loses his mind as he high-fives Kirishima's "Hey, I'm also sorry for acting the way I did when I walked in" Kirishima shakes his head, "Its okay, you were angry I understood but dam you and Todoroki must've went at it before you came over. His neck is destroyed" Todoroki walks in at the sound of his name and almost turned right back out but Midoryia interlaces their finger, keeping the boy there.

   "He begs to bottom, he just likes being dominated" Shoto's face contorts as if he just got slapped "HEY!" He yells clearly flustered "Thats why I never heard anything when we lived together" Both boys go suspiciously silent after that.

   Both pairs go their respective routes except, Bakugou and Kirishima have no idea what they're doing. However Todoroki and Midoryia head to Namjy Lake, a lake neither have visited for its behind Namjy park. There's a trail but no one really walks it. Todoroki brought a backpack but refuses to tell the curious boy what's in it until they get to the lake, which he doesn't know exists.

   When they arrive Izuku gasps "Its beautiful.. But not at beautiful as you" he says causing Todoroki to blush, hard. He opens the bag and pulls out a blanket and fairy lights. He plugs the fairy lights into a power box allowing them to illuminate giving the area a sweet honey color. The light hitting the boys is the best ways.

   They lay down on the blanket and enjoy the others presences. Hand in hand Izuku looks up at Shoto, pure love radiating from the two. Shoto looks down, meeting the curious green eyes of the other, "what?" Shoto chuckles "We're surrounded by stars but I don't want to look away from the brightest one" Shoto blushes before laughing "That's the cheesiest shit" Izuku let's out a giggle as well before looking back up at the stunning stars. Izuku's mind is trapped in the sight, refusing to let go. Its until Shoto shifts he snaps out of it. "Hey Sho?" Izuku starts to ask "Yeah Izu" Izuku sighs "Can I.. Rest my head on your chest" a distinct rose color covering his face "Of course Deku." the green head lays down and takes a deep breath.

   After hours which felt like seconds Izuku was the first to speak "Will you be my boyfriend?" Todoroki, obviously surprised, Jerked up causing Izuku to fall into his lap, causing the small boy to blush even more.

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