The First Couple Of Days

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   Todoroki and Midoryia decide not to leave the league just yet, they wanna make the most of this new relationship before they probably get murdered.

   Because they know the L.O.V won't let them off easy they have to move and cut many contacts. Both boys aren't ready though and they know it "Are you sure this is for the best..? We're wanted Villains. Our face is plastered literally everywhere... We wouldn't be able to get a job" Izuku forces out, wanting to make his point apparent.

    "I know its going to be hard Izu but, the readers need some sort of twist." Midoryia's head tilts "Readers? Wait.. Someones actually reading this? Well why don't we let them decide? Comment whether we should leave the league or stay and do simple work"

   Izuku shoots outta bed, "Are you okay hun?" Izuku's face flushes as he's still not accustomed to Sho being there or calling him pet names "Y-Yeah, I just had this weird dream.." Shoto sits up "what was it about?" Izuku is too busy admiring his boyfriend to respond "Izuku?" Izu shoots his head up, almost illuminating a red glow "U-Uh i-i-it was a-about talking to some 'readers'?" Shotos head tilts, "Uh.. Okay then" he flops back onto bed and goes back to sleep, Izuku follows shortly after.

    Once the boys properly wake up, they go out into the kitchen and eat breakfast. They call Kurogiri and request a break for a bit, he reluctantly agrees as these were his top two guys.

   They decide to go to Namjy lake again and just relax. They arrive and find a body, on the lake side. It seems as if it drifted from the lake in the new hours "Todoroki.. What the fuck is that" Todoroki looks to where Izuku is frantically pointing "A body" he says in monotone.

    The two walk over to see if they can identify the body. "There's an I.D" Shoto says, picking up the I.D, "W-Who is it?" Midoryia's voice is wavering and Todoroki notices "Yagi Toshinori" The man was incredibly thin with messy blonde hair "Izuku you're uncomfortable, let's go" Midoryia nods and they take their leave.

((This part doesn't make sense since Izuku killed All Might, unfortunately I can't find a way that gets the same point across and I also know Endeavour was killed too, keep an open mind and pretend it doesn't contradict major plot points--))

   "Its been three weeks since we saw our symbol of peace, everyone is becoming awfully concerned. Last we saw of All Might he was at a small park in Namjy called Namjy Park, if you see a man named Toshinori Yagi please alert your local police force."

   The T.V plays in the background as Midoryia and Todoroki make out on their couch, that is until they hear 'Toshinori Yagi' and Midoryia shoots up. "That was the man we found at the lake!" Izuku shouts "Fuck" Todoroki mumbles grabbing his phone, dialling the police.

   They tell them where the body is and wait on the news to see if anything regarding the man was on the news.

    A bright blue screen appears on the T.V with the words 'Breaking News' on it

   "Toshinori Yagi, or better known as All Might was found dead at Namjy Park after an anonymous tip was put in. Tomorrow is our mourning day, so everything will be closed and we can all spend time with our love ones. Now, we have a special word from our new symbol of peace Endevour."

   The screen turns black as Todoroki turns off the T.V not wanting to see his old man. However Izuku was in tears, All Might was his Childhood hero. They found his body and just left it, guilt is creeping up on the poor boy. He runs into the bathroom and locks himself in there. His boyfriend begging him to come out.


   Izuku searches under the sink frantically, looking for the box cutter he his under there months ago so he wouldn't cut. But here he his.

   He carefully makes slits across his wrists, allowing the thick crimson to pour out his arms and it falling to the tile floor, making soft dripping sounds as it falls. More banging, a lot more frantic "Izuku please open the door. PLEASE!" Midoryia hasn't ever heard his stoic boyfriend yell.

    Midoryia's POV

I turn on the shower and hop in, I watch the blood wash off my wrists. It stings but feels amazing, Shoto stopped banging on the door. I have no idea what he's doing though, I guess when he heard the shower going he thought I was fine?

   I step out, being very careful when drying my arms. I grab my extra bandages and wrap my arms with excellent skill. I step out to see Shoto passed out on the couch, his chest rising and falling at an even pace. I go into our bedroom and grab a long sleeved shirt and my plaid pajama bottoms.

   I walk out into the living room and gently shake Todoroki awake. He stirs and sits up "Hun!" He says before wrapping his arms around me "Show me" I lift my sleeve to reveal the bandages.

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