Sam Wilkinson :D Part One

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Great. Just great! Junior year, and I'm the new kid! I swear, my mom soo owes me for this. But looking on the bright side, maybe there will be better looking guys here. On the not so dark side, I don't happen to see any as I try to find my first period AP English class. "Hey," a guy's voice says in front of me. "You lost?" I look up. Remember what I said about not seeing cute guys here yet? I lied. I'm looking at what seems like the hottest guys ever to walk the earth. Brown chocolate eyes look into my blue ones with curiosity. Light brown hair messily sits on his head. God, he's a beautiful being! "Hello?" He says, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh uh yeah," I stutter out. Real cool (Y/N)! Stuttering while talking to a smoking hot guy. "I really need to know where the AP English classroom is". He nods in understanding.

"It must be your lucky day," he says. "I just so happen to be on my way there now. I could take you if you want". Okay, (Y/N) be cool!

"Yeah that would help a lot. Thanks," I say and we walk down the hall. "I'm (Y/N) by the way," I say, casually throwing it into the conversation. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)".

"Sam," he says. "Sam Wilkinson and it's no problem. Anything to help a beautiful girl find her way to class." I bush, looking at my shoes. "And here we are: AP English!" he says gesturing towards the door. "Shall we?" I nod and he opens the door.

"This years curriculum will include the book stylings of-" The teacher stops to look at Sam and I. "Mr. Wilkinson", He says in a harsh tone. "Another year, another lateness". Sam smiles and shakes his head.

"Mr. Washburn," he says in the same tone. "Another year, another pair of panties up your ass". The class erupts in laughter, including myself.

"Just take a seat Samuel," he says. Sam sits down, rolling his eyes.

"Sir, I've told you before! It's Sam, not Samuel. Get it right!"

"Your name is not what I'm concerned about right now," he says and turns to me. "It's her name I'm worried about. Now go up to the front and introduce yourself". Dammit! Why do teachers always do this? It's like an invisible torture device. The whole class stares as I make my way to the front. Alright, (Y/N). In the words of Veronica Roth, "Be Brave".

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and as you can see, I'm new here. And I believe I'm kind of smart. I mean, I got in this honor's class right? That must count as something". The class laughs. Good. It's not so weird anymore. "So, I'm gonna sit down now before I make a fool of myself". I say and walk to the middle of the class, trying to find a seat. Luckily, a girl in the not so far back waves to me and points to the chair next to her. Walking to the open chair, I take a good look at the girl. Her jet black hair is in a boys quiff. It's actually really cool on her. She's wearing gold hoop earrings, a yellow sleeveless top with a sleeveless jean jacket on top. To finish it off, light wash blue jean skinnies and gold high top sneakers. "Hi," I say, sitting down on the cold, hard chair.

"Hey," she said. "The name's Carlena Britch." she says, holding out her hand. I shake it, being the polite thing to do.

"Nice shoes by the way," I point out, making her smile.

"They're my favorite pair," she tells me. "I have more at home. You should come to my house after school, so I can show you".

"Sounds cool!" I say.

"I like you already (Y/N)," she says, playfully punching my arm. "Anyone who appreciates cool shoes are cool with me. Find me at lunch later okay?"

"Sure". Something tells me, with her by my side, I might actually survive being the new kid.


Never in a million years would I think I'd be getting and eating my lunch in a High School Musical cafeteria. I swear, that's what it looks like as I walk in. Not wanting to look clueless, I hop into the nearest food line. "(Y/N) right?" A voice asks behind me in line. I know that voice from somewhere. Sam right?

"Sam right?" I ask back. He smirks.

"Yeah, that's me. Just glad you didn't say Samuel". He jokes. I laugh, grabbing a pre-wrapped burger off the tray.

"I take it Washburn doesn't like you?" I ask. He shrugs.

"You glue one mug to a desk. ONE! And you can never live it down". I chuckle at his childish behavior and shake my head.

"You boys always do the dumbest things". He scoffs with fake hurt, his hand over his chest.

"I take offense to that!" He protests. "I'll have you know, Johnson and I take our pranking very -and I mean very- seriously". Just then, a tall black haired boy and a shorter (but cute-ish) blonde boy appear behind Sam.

"I heard "Johnson" and "pranking"?" The blonde asks him. Is he Johnson?

"I was just telling (Y/N) here, about the pranks we're famous for". Sam tells him.

"Who?" The black haired one asks.

"Guys, this is (Y/N)", he gestures to me. I wave.

"Hi." I say. "And you guys are?"

"Jack," they say in unison.

"Both of you named Jack?" they nod. "Interesting. I take it you're Johnson?" I ask the blonde one.

"Damn, you catch on fast!" Johnson says. "Yeah and pretty boy over here," he says and nudges the other Jack. "Is Gilinsky". He waves. Paying for my lunch, Sam leans over to me.

"Sorry if they're dorks," he says. I giggle, looking at the two drench their fries in ketchup.

"It's cool", I say. "I have a little brother at home, so I'm used to it". He chuckles.

"Hey, if you're not busy tonight, you should come by my party tonight." he says. "It'll be fun, I promise". He winks. Damn that wink!

"I'll think about it," I wink and walk to Carlena's table. She's on her phone, playing what looks like Flappy Bird. "Hey!" I say and sit down. She looks up from her phone.

"What took you so long?" she asks as I take a sip of my apple Snapple.

"I was caught up in a conversation". I tell her.

"Who's the lucky guy?" she smirks and wriggles her eyebrows.

"Sam Wilkinson, I think his name is?" I ask, unsure. Her expression drops, pity washes over, as if she's sorry for me or something. "What?"

"Nothing," she shakes her head. "Just stay away from Sam okay?"

"Why?" I ask, confused. He seems like a nice guy.

"He's bad news".

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