•Are you coming home..?•

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This might be short. It's a dedication to season 6 everyone. I cant believe the release is today.



Keith had been gone for months.. what seemed like years. He'd left for to help with the Blade and all.. but rumor says.. he never returned from one of their missions. That his body was never found and no one knew of his whereabouts.

I didn't get to confess my feelings for him before he left. He was too caught up in working with them and.. leaving..

If caught Shiro multiple times.. either crying in his room.. or sneaking out at night..

To go look for Keith..

I've always wanted to go search for him.. but no one would let me leave. Even at night, Allura or Hunk would seem to know I'm leaving and they'd catch me. Telling me it's nonsense.

It's not nonsense. I love him.
I want to know if he's ever coming home.
Coming back to the paladins.
Coming back to me..

I'd grown used to just laying in bed directly after training or after anything and just kept my earbuds in. My music had seem to shift. I didn't listen to anything from home.. or any type of soft stuff.. all I could listen to was love songs.. and rock.. and anything that held a lot of emotions.

Pidge would joke that I was becoming emo. You're becoming Keith.. she had said. Then shut her mouth and looked away.

And today was no different. I'd get up. Slip on my clothes and go join the others for breakfast. Picking at my food.

I still made a plate in hope he would soon come home.

They all gave me sad looks, watching me as I ate. But today was different it seems.

"ALL PALADINS TO THE POD CHAMBERS! SOMEONES INSIDE THE CASTLE." Coran suddenly screeched over the intercom.

I began shaking. Could it be Keith.

We all jolted up and ran to the chambers, not even bothering with our uniforms. Allura scolded us for that.

I split off with Shiro, holding my Bayard in one hand. I kept it up and ready to aim, watching each surrounding.

"Whoever it is.. they've got guts to do this." Shiro joked, glancing at me.

"Yeah. I guess they do." I said quietly.

A blur of black went by, catching our attention so we chased after it. They were wearing what seemed like a full black outfit, something covering their head. But the jacket that stood out beneath the black. The boots they attempted to cover.

I yelled out to anyone who could hear me. "Don't fire! Don't fire at him!"

I began to run faster, leaving my bayard behind, leaving Shiro. I soon caught up with the mysterious man. Only to find out that Pidge got him first and somehow got em on his knees.

Pidge was panting as she looked up at me. "Take off his hood, Lance. I have suspicions but I don't want hopes up."

I nodded and stepped forward as everyone else came up soon. I heard a husky voice, it came down from the man on his knees.

Slowly pushing the hood back, I recognized the hair, then soon the eyes..

"K-Keith.." I fell to my knees in front of him, tugging off the things covering his face and jacket. "Keith.. y-you're back.."

He just stared at me. He made no sound and no moves until Pidge finally let go of him. But once he did he pounced. Not on Shiro.. not on anyone else.. on me.

Knocking me to the ground.

"Why didn't you try to find me.."

"I-I couldn't.. I'd always get caught.."

He shook his head and let out a laugh I've never heard before. "Alright, sharpshooter. Thank you for caring enough to try to catch me first."

I blushed dark red and glanced at the others who were gaping down at us.

"Could you leave us be we are having a bonding moment." Keith said.

I blushed as everyone left.

"Now, for the real bonding exercise." He looked down at me. "I know you wanted to look for me.. I know you were hurt I left.. but I'm back.. and I won't leave again. I promise you.. Lance McClain.." I noticed his face was getting closer to mine.

I broke the space, grabbing his face and kissed him. He didn't break the kiss but slowly kissed back. It seemed to last forever.. but felt like it wasn't long enough.

A flash from the corner of our eyes spooked us, making us pull away only to see Pidge standing there with a nose bleed, giggling.

I looked up at Keith with a shy smile before he stood and helped me up.
"I'm not leaving anymore, Lance. Don't worry." I pulled him in again, not caring about anyone else around us and kissed him. Deeply. Passionately. Claiming him.

I won't let him leave again.. I can't let him..

My little Galra soldier..


Well guys! Here's the season 6 release special! I hoped you liked it!

I'll be updating as much as I can!

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