A new home

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After a long driveway, cracked by the time and nature that was gradually gaining importance over urbanization, they passed the doors that led to the reception room.

The walls were almost falling apart, only small pieces were crumbling sporadically. The maroon desk, in the middle of the room, was covered in a thick, grey and fluffy substance. The plants where all dark and dried — one touch and they could vanish in dust. The smell was horrible, as if thousands of dead rats were rotting in a corner somewhere. But it sure wasn't rats. They could here people scream and knock on heavy doors all around the place. It was those people, treated miserably, that were offensively malodorous.

As they were pushed forward, Jimin and Charlie discovered one of the many wings of the building that was used as prison cells for the people captured. Formerly, this was a mental institution.

Each doors had a small window that was either cracked or covered by a black matter. Some were intact and you could easily peek inside the room and that's what Jimin did while they were being guided to their rooms.

The young man's eyes widened as he could see the crazy people. Some were just sitting on their bed, others were banging their forehead on the wall until it bleed — and yet continue after all. Some were ripping of their hair, nails, teeth, etc. It was horrible. Then, as they passed by, one man ran into the door. At the moment that Jimin was observing the small window, the man's head broke the glass before exploding in blood. Jimin tightly gripped onto Charlie as his eyes and lips were shaking from the frightening scene.

Weak, Charlie felt on the ground, unable to support Jimin's weight.

"Come on" one of the mean guards barked as he helped them to get back up. He did noticed that Charlie's shirt was covered in fresh blood, but he didn't care. He had a mission and was probably scared to not accomplish it and confront Lee about it. So he let the girl suffer and continued to walk forward until they've reach the rooms.

From a broken window, Charlie could guess that the silhouette sat on the bed behind the door was V. They were all in the rooms at this end of the corridor.

Charlie wasn't the only one who could tell that it was Taehyung in that one specific room. Jimin's eyes widened as his eyebrows frowned. Worried, the young man called for his best friend.

"Taehyung-ah!" He swung his shoulder around to be free and rushed towards the door, still bawling for V's attention, "Taehyung-ah!"

A crack in Jimin's voice saddened Charlie, that noticed that something wrong was happening in V's room for not even move a single muscle. But what?

While the poor puppy was focussing on getting a reaction from his friend, banging on the door, the masked men, took the opportunity to tackle him brusquely again the closed door. Jimin could almost taste the old paint and metal as half of his face was crushed on the surface while the guards were placing his hands behind his back — and adding a little pain to it for fun. Even with all that, Taehyung's silhouette, visible from the broken glass, did not react.

One of the men took care of Jimin, swinging him to walk into his cell before pushing him roughly on the ground and close the door. Same with the girl. Charlie did not get a preferential treatment either. They brutally pushed her onto the cold and dusty ground of her new room and slammed the heavy door right after.

As they were leaving, the young girl could hear their laughter echo in the distance.

"...Ji..." Charlie mumbled. One hand on her stomach, she grabbed the floor beside her with the other and pulled herself forward to the small bed. She whimpered.

Once again, Charlie pushed herself forward with the little strength that was left in her body. Her hand finally reached one of the four feet of the bed. She grabbed it tightly and tried to pulled her body up. It only took a second and the girl was already back to the dirty floor, where she sighed and rested the back of her head on.

On Jimin's side, he was already up, ready to get out of this prison. He rushed towards the closed door and bumped his shoulder into it. It didn't work. Jimin grunted at the sudden pain that he felt and quickly, his shoulder became numb.

He sat dispiritedly on the floor, resting his back against the bed that slightly moved at the first pression.

"Jimin?" The men heard a whisper from a far familiar voice, calling his name with timid fear shaking the notes as they went up.

Jimin frowned his eyebrows. He got up and approached the small window of his door. Luckily, his was intact. He peeked outside of his cell to find out where the voice was coming from.

"Jimin, is that you?" Jin's head popped out of his small window. Jimin smiled at the sight of his older friend, but concern overwhelmed his body as he watched the black eye, bruises going from yellow to purple, small cuts and scratches all together swallowing Jin's face.

"Jin-hyung...they beat you pretty bad" Jimin mentioned in shock. He couldn't imagine how much his whole body must be in pain right now. Only, at the comment, Jin lowered his gaze in discouragement, which hurt Jimin to see him in this condition. "But you're still handsome" he added, hopping to get Jin's gaze back up and smile in comfort.

"I'm not only about my look, you know" Jin started. "Back there- or even when all of this started, I was so scare to die" he paused as his eyes focused on the ground in front of his door. "But I was also more scared to loose you" Jin added before he cried.

Jimin's eyes softened. His is such a clingy person and would usually go up to hug his member if anything wasn't alright. But locked in this separated room, he couldn't do anything.

"And the bad happened...Namjoon is dead...and now Jungkook" Jin wailed, feeling sobs hitting the back of his throat. His Adam's apple was twitching from the resistance he was trying to keep this ball of emotion inside. But his eyes couldn't keep any more water in them. Blinking wouldn't help to get the tears back in. They all flowed at once, wetting his cheeks and dripping from his chin onto his shirt. Perhaps these tears will help to wash the blood out...

Jin went in the back of this room as the crying was overwhelming his capacity to talk.

Jimin listened to the sad sounds, Jin was making, echoing in the long corridor. At one point, the sounds were joining the rest of the other strangers in cells. Jimin gave up on comforting his friend. He could not do anything to help him right now. The man lowered his gaze and stepped away from the door. He swung his body on the squeaky bed. Jimin rested his head on one of his arm while he could still hear everyone in pain. He breathed out and the bed frame broke.

"This place sucks" Jimin mumbled with a raspy voice, staring at the ceiling of his room.

There was a small writing saying: "he killed them". Jimin rolled on the old mattress he was on and thought. This phrase oddly sounded familiar in his memory for some reason that he couldn't put his finger on.

Guys, so so sooo sorry for not posting more often. I was working and so tired.

Hope you liked the chapter. Do you know who wrote the message in Jimin's room? Do you remember? ...probably not... it was a couple of chapter before...

Anyways! Have a good day/ night. Thank you for reading :)

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