Daybreak Town

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  Note: (f/a)= favorite animal, (f/c)= favorite color  

Right before you could do anything else, the master of masters placed his gloved hand over your head. Your (e/c) eyes blinked at his sudden gesture, after the conversation you had. Your grip on your key-blade slightly tightened, while the other held a map of some sort. Your key-blade, unique and ancient like his 'No Name', was the only one of it's kind. For it only exists once a life time. Even so, the wielder of this key-blade could never see themselves fading into the darkness, nor from existence.

He smiled through the darkness of his hood. "For as long as you travel through time, and to different worlds, you'll always be there. Even when your light fades."

You stared at him, wondering what he meant about your light fading. "Master, what about luxu? Is he really going to... What about the others? They don't deserve to-!"

He stopped you with a finger to your lips. "I know what you saw, but it's going to happen. There's no other way around it. And most of all, you can't change anything. No matter how heart-breaking it may seem, or how badly you want to make things better." He warned. "Something very bad could happen if you meddle in too much."

You frowned through your (f/a) mask. He removed his finger and went back to his desk, where the book of prophecies laid opened. He flipped a few pages and stopped at a page with your key-blade on it. "Time will continue to move forward. But you can always come back and relive the happy moments you shared with everyone here. You just can't change their fate, nor the world."

"I understand." You murmured softly.

"Come on, don't be so blue!" He burst out, causing you to flinch. He went and patted your shoulder in reassurance. "Even if their fates won't change, that doesn't mean you'll never see them again. You're the time traveler, you can always see and be with everyone just like always! Just don't go telling them who or what you are, and what will happen in their futures. This goes for all the friends you make as you time travel. Also, the others already know what's going to happen, so let them do what they can for themselves."

You smiled at him, despite yourself. "Alright, thank you."

He tilted his head when your smile went down again. His arms shook as he thought of what to do to make you feel better, then he suddenly wrapped them around you.

"Master?" You blinked again at his suddenness.

"Don't worry, enjoy your long life while you can. You never know when the key-blade decides that it's time for a new owner." He said as he gently rubbed your back.

That sent a chill down your spine. The key-blade did have a mind of its own. You never know when it would decide such a thing, and leave you in a tight spot. You hoped it wouldn't leave you in such a way. Despite his words, you knew he was trying to make you feel better. You hugged him back. "You're right."

He patted your back and moved to face you, tilting your head up when his fingers curled around your chin. "Smile, ok? You look much cuter that way."

You blushed and jumped out of his arms to his surprise. Your (f/c) robe swayed along with you when you put distance between you two. He was literally taken aback from your action. "You're just saying that." You giggled.

"Really?! What's the point in lying at this point?!" He threw his arms up at his words. You giggled again as he paced the room, grumbling to himself.  

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