Wonderland to Radiant Gardens part 2 (NOT EDITED)

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"Terra!" Ventus called out to him, seeing him walk by. He ran towards him, leaving you trekking slowly behind. The effects were really starting to get to you. You stopped for a moment, trying to calm your breathing. You couldn't hear their conversation. You blinked, trying to regain focus. 'This is really, really bad...'

"Ven, what's wrong with (Y/n)?" You heard Terra say, sounding closer.

"I'm not sure, she said she would be fine..." Ventus replied.

You looked up at them both, giving them your best smile. "Hey Terra."

"(Y/n), what happened?" Terra held you up by your shoulders. You held back a blush at his warm hands. "Are you hurt?" 

"No, just tired. I'm okay though!" You nodded.

"You don't seem ok at all, (Y/n)." He smiled sadly. You tried chuckling, only for it to come out as a grunt. He frowned a bit. Once you stood up straight, he let go of you then glanced at Ventus. "Ven, take her back to master Eraqus. I'm sure he can help her."

"Y-yeah..." Ven nodded with a frown. You smiled sadly. You understood he wanted to spend more time with Terra. You felt bad being a burden. 

"You get some rest, (Y/n). You really don't look so good." Terra commented. You gave him a strained smile. 'How bad do I look?'

With a flash of light, Terra transformed into his armor and flew off to another world. You watched him go, when Ventus turned to you. "Come on, (Y/n)."

"Ventus, I'm fine. Just a little tired. We don't have to go back just yet." You reassured him. He seemed surprised, yet you pushed on. "If Terra's here, you think Aqua might be here too?"

"Y-yeah! She may be back at the square!" Ventus smiled. His eyes still showed his concern for you. "But, let's take a break afterwards."

"Right." You nodded, pulling yourself together.


"Aqua!" Ventus called for her when you returned to the square. You stood back to catch your breath, feeling an ache in your heart. 'Ok, this is new... these side effects are coming hard.'

Aqua turned to you, noticing your tired state. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?"

You sighed, shaking your head. You looked up at her. "I'm just tired. Had a little run in with the unversed."

"You look like you're about to pass out." Aqua frowned, laying a hand on your shoulder to steady you. "You should get some rest, and take Ven home with you."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." You tried reassuring her. She stared at you in concern. 'Heck, even I don't believe myself at this point.'

Aqua soon left after flashing on her armor, leaving us sitting on the side. You convinced Ven you needed a brief moments rest, and sat with him on the ground. Ventus played with his wooden key-blade, going through his thoughts, as you did your best to rest. It was not working. 

'The master never told me about any side effects of the healing art... So what's going on? Why am I feeling so weak? So tired?' You thought worriedly. Your eye lids felt heavy, it was hard to breath, and yet you felt an ache in your heart. 

Ventus glanced at you, full worry on his face. "(Y/n), you're glowing!"

You looked down at yourself, raising a hand to your blurry view. You were indeed glowing. "So it seems." You dropped your hand, laying back on the wall. "Guess my time is up..."

"What?! Your time is up?! What do you mean?!" Ventus asked worriedly, tossing the wooden key-blade aside and moving closer to you.

You smiled sadly. "I don't mean I'm dying Ven. I mean I need to go back to my world for a bit."

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