chapter 4

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Your P.O.V

Mr. Ink offered to give you a ride home since it was getting a little late and you took his offer up. You walked out to a car that Coach Error was already in the driver's seat. Mr. Ink got in and you sat in the back. You didn't look in the back of the car before you got in, otherwise you would have decided to  walk home. "So where do you live (y/n)?" Coach Error asked, but you didn't answer yet. You were frozen still just staring at P.J. 

"Um- I live on jasper street. Three speed bumps down." You managed to say with out stuttering. They start the car and didn't notice that P.J. was glaring at you and this whole situation scaring the sh*t out of you. 

"Well, that's convenient. We live on the same street as you. Maybe we could have you over for dinner one time." Mr. Ink said. You managed to look away from P.J. and got your phone out as well as your Bluetooth earbuds. You went to start playing music, assuming that your earbuds were connected to your phone. You went through your music and settled with "He like Boys" from Simone Battle. When you pressed play and no music came through the headphones. I quickly tried to turn it off, but it wouldn't stop. When it finally stopped, you had a really bad blush.

Coach Error smirked a little and decided that he was going to embarrass his son to get back at P.J. for you. "Oh, P.J. loves that song. He listens to it all of the time. He even sings to it in the shower." Coach laughed out as P.J. blushed and tried to denounce his father's statement. "P.J. You know it's true. You listen to so many girly songs that you might as well be one of those die hard fans that say 'Sign my chest!'" Mr. Ink said, backing up Coach Error's statement.  I snickered a little, trying to contain my laughter. Soon, we got to my house. "P.J., walk (y/n) to their door."

you looked at him and he sighed. you both got out of the car and walked to the front door. your mom came to the door. "Oh, There you are. I was wondering what happened to you. Who's this?" She asks as you look at him.

(Just explaining something, Your dad left the house you off and on and your mom nor you knew when he gets back. Also, your mom doesn't physically or verbally abuse you.)

"I'm Paper jam, Miss. My parents gave (y/n) a ride home because they were asked to meet with a teacher after school." He explained. you looked to your mom who was sure to be making a plan to get to know him and his parents better. She walked out of the house and down to P.J.'s car. Soon enough, they were deciding to stay for dinner. you set the table and then tried to retreat to your room without anyone else following you. "(y/n), Dinner isn't ready yet, so why don't you show P.J. your room?" Your mom suggested as P.J. stood at the end of the hallway. 

You sighed, "Come on P.J." He followed you into your room. You left the door open and sat on the floor. "So sit wherever and for getting you in trouble with your dads, I will be your personal punching bag for the rest of the year. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience to you." You said as you closed your eyes and tried to clear your head before dinner. You heard shuffling beside you and a thud. You sat up as your eyes opened wide. The sight before you was too hilarious for words. P.J. laid on the floor, covered in hard-covered books because he was messing around and tripped on your skateboard, causing him to slam into your bookshelf. 

You tried to stifle your laugh but failed miserably. Then P.J. started laughing. The tension between you two disintegrated and you started talking about a few different things. You were both playing twenty questions when you heard the front door open again. You thought it was your sister who was coming back from basketball practice, but oh you were very wrong....

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