Chapter 14

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Monday Night Raw – July 16th 2018

To start Raw's second hour, Kurt Angle came out to the ring. After taking delight in being informed that he sucked, he hyped up what a great event the previous night's Extreme Rules had been. He briefly ran through some of the highlights before arriving at the subject he was there to discuss.

"We also saw a thrilling encounter between Becky Lynch and The Arm Collector, Rowdy Ronda Rousey. Albeit with some outside interference, Ronda won the armbar match and added Becky's arm to her collection."

"Zelina Vega said it was going to happen and it happened," Cole admitted over boos from the crowd.

"That's three arms claimed by Rousey so far," Clementine said. "Stephanie McMahon, Bayley and Becky Lynch have all suffered from that devastating armbar."

"Speaking of which, I have a medical update for you on Becky Lynch," Kurt went on. "After the match, Becky reported pain in her elbow. She was given treatment and the elbow was iced overnight, so that she could have a scan this morning to look at the damage. The news is better than it might have been, probably because Becky tapped out so quickly, with self-preservation in mind. It was a smart decision, because she escaped with only minor ligament damage. I've been told Becky will back in action in a couple of weeks."

A mild cheer greeted the positive news as Coach said, "That's good to hear."

"Knowing Becky like I do," Kurt said, "I expect her to come back and go right back after Ronda. She'll consider their business to be unfinished after the way the match ended with Zelina Vega's involvement, which is why..."

The intro of Ember Moon's music interrupted Angle, drawing a loud cheer from the fans. Attacking Ronda and preventing her from cashing-in her Money in the Bank had increased her standing with the fans, and she had been popular even before then.

"Here comes Ember Moon, the woman who saved Nia Jax's Raw Women's Championship last night by stopping Ronda Rousey from cashing-in the Money in the Bank contract," Cole said.

"But why? That's my question," Clementine said as Moon entered the arena to another generous reaction. "Why did Ember help Nia Jax? Did Ember even do it to help Nia, or did she just want to attack Ronda? There are a lot of questions, hopefully we're about to get some answers."

Ember made her way to the ring and fetched a microphone for herself. "Kurt," she said as her music faded. "I'm as happy to hear that Becky isn't badly hurt as everyone else, but, to be honest, there's something more important on my mind. You see, since she aligned herself with Zelina Vega, Ronda Rousey has attacked and injured Bayley, cheated to win the Money in the Bank ladder match, and cheated to beat Becky Lynch. The so-called baddest woman on the planet has been acting like nothing more than a cheat and a coward, and by the time I saw her going out to the ring to cash-in on Nia Jax, I'd had enough. I didn't do what I did last night to help Nia Jax, I did it because I want Ronda Rousey."

The fans cheered the bold statement, while Angle was shown with a surprised look on his face. "You want Ronda Rousey?" he asked, wanting to be sure that he had heard correctly.

"I want Rousey," Ember confirmed assertively. "You think I'm scared of her? I'm not. She wants to try and add my arm to her collection? Let her come and try, because she'll find out what it's like to go into battle with The War Goddess."

Before Kurt could respond, Bad Reputation began to play. The music was greeted by the most heated reaction Ronda had received since her heel turn; good news for all involved.

"Here we go!" Clementine exclaimed loudly. "The Arm Collector has heard enough!"

Ronda and Zelina came storming out onto the stage, this time with Ronda in the lead. She looked ready to tear Ember apart for costing her what appeared to have been a guaranteed victory for the Raw Women's Championship.

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