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Hey guys! So I decided to end the story where it was and write an epilogue cos I think that it is fitting! I hope you all enjoy!

"Harry! Come on! We are gonna be late for our dinner reservation!" I yell from the front hall.

Harry and I have been dating for two years now. Still madly in love! My mum is single and owns a bakery that Harry and I work at. Anne got a new boyfriend named Robin and he is wonderful. As for things in England and Ireland, things are fine. Eleanor is now married to some prince and both mine and Harry's dads have remarried.

"Coming! Sorry, I couldn't find my bowtie!" Harry says, running into the room.

"Ready?" I say, picking up my keys.

"Yup! Lead the way, Loubear!" He says and I chuckle at the nickname he gave me a year into our relationship.

We make it to the dinner place and we are seated at a table outside considering it is fall and not to chilly tonight.

We sit down across from each other and look over the menu.

"What are you getting?" Harry asks, not looking up from his menu.

"The spagetti and meatball I think. The sauce is really good." I say, putting my menu down.

"I think I'll get that too, actually." Harry says and put his menu down as well.

We order and our food comes soon enough.

"So when are you gonna tell me where we are going after this?" Harry asks.

"You will find out when we get there. Be patient, mister." I say with a chuckle and Harry pouts.

"Why can't I know now?" He says in a whiny tone.

"Because that would ruin the surprise.
Once we finished eating, we headed back to the car.

"You need to wear this." I say, handing him a black blindfold.

"Is this the same blindfold I was wearing last night?" Harry says with a smirk.

"HARRY! Oh my god, keep it pg while we are in public! Both of our windows are open! And yes it is, now put it on!" I say back, shoving the blindfold in his hands. He takes it and puts it over his eyes.

I drive to our destination and I open my door and run to Harry's side to help him out.

"Can I take the blindfold off yet?" Harry asks with a pout on his face.

"Yes you can." I say and he smiles as he takes the blindfold off. He gasps a bit as he sees where we are.

"Isn't this where you gave me my promise ring? And where we had our first official date?" Harry says with a grin on his face, looking out at the lake before us.

When we first got here, we found this spot at the edge of this big forest that no one ever comes to. From that point on it just became our spot.

"Of course it is. It's the one place I would do this." I say and he turns to look at me as I get down on one knee.

He gasps and covers his mouth, tears already building up in his eyes.

"Harry. We meet each other because I was supposed to marry your sister. Thank God that didn't happen. I remember the first time I saw you, you absolutely took my breath away. Your gorgeous emerald green eyes were the first thing that caught my attention. When I heard you were sharing a room with me, I freaked out because how am I supposed to be comfortable with myself when this amazing looking boy is gonna be sharing a room with me? I remember every time you have told me I'm perfect and beautiful, but how can I be the perfect one when it is clearly you? When we first kissed, I knew that I wanted to make you mine forever and I think it is finally time. I had to save money up to get the perfect ring for you. So, Harry Edward Styles, will you be mine forever, and marry me?" Harry is full on crying at this point.

"We can't prince Lou." Larry Stylinson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now