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T W O : N E W B E G I N N I N G S

Rhiannon woke up to the buzzing of her phone. She checked it and threw it down when it was just Instagram notifications. She loved her fans but hated being woken up at 8:30 on a Saturday morning. She rolled out of bed and ran downstairs. "Chris!! Where are you?" No answer. She was visiting and auditioning for roles in movies to get out of the "Chris Evans little sister" label. She found a note and opened it.

Hey little sis, I had to leave early for filming. I would've taken you but it was pretty early and I know how you like your sleep. If you want to come you can. Just take the car to the studio. Call me if you need me.

Love you,

"How sweet." she laughed. Of course she was going to go, she had nothing better to do and loved Marvel. Maybe they have an open part. She ran upstairs and got in the shower. After standing in her robe for 30 minutes she finally decided on an outfit. She changed and did her hair and was out the door and on her way.

i have no idea where I am. I have no idea where Chris is. Oh well.
I continued walking and finally found someone that might know where my brother is.
"Hey, excuse me, would you happen to know where Chris is?" I ask to one of the backstage ladies.
"Yes, I do and who might you be?" she asked like I annoyed her.
"Rhiannon Evans, I would appreciate it if you took me to him." I scoffed eyeing her. The attitude was real with this lady and she still didn't believe me.
"How am I supposed to believe you kid. You could be a crazy fan girl."
"Look." I hand her my license, very annoyingly.
She looked at it and looked at me and handed it back. "He's this way." She led me to a bunch of trailers and a lot of the cast was standing by one talking.
"Omg!! Chris Evans is that you??" I walked up asking.
"Look, I'm not sure ho-" he stopped when he realized who he was talking to.
"It's me silly, it took me forever to get back here and being asked to show ID." I rolled my eyes.
"They seriously asked you to show ID?" he asked me.
"Yeah, some lady thought I was a crazy fan girl." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Oh, since Chris is rude I might as well introduce myself, I'm Rhiannon Evans, Chris's little sister." I smiled towards them.
"Nice to meet you I'm Rob-" I cut him off.
"Robert Downey Jr, I know. I'm not dumb." I laugh.
"I know all of you except for Spidey boy over there." I turn and point.
"Oh, that's Tom Holland, he's Spider-Man." my brother said.
"Got you. Well I'm going to be nice and introduce myself." I walk off and walk up.
"Hey, are you Tom Holland?" I ask.
"Yeah I am..Sorry, not being rude but who are you?" he asked.
"I'm Rhiannon Evans, that dummy's little sister." I laughed and pointed towards Chris.
"Ah, pretty name." for such a pretty girl.
"Thanks! I hope we can hang out! You seem pretty cool!" she says smiling.

After Rhiannon walks away to talk to her brother, Harrison walks up and talks to Tom.
"Who was that?" he questions pointing at the brunette.
"Rhiannon Evans." he says keeping his eyes on her.
"Like Chris Evans? Evans?" he looks at him.
"Yeah. She's out visiting I guess. She wants to hang out sometime." His gaze travels to Harrison.
"Hey Rhiannon!" Tom calls out.
"Hey Tom and I have no idea who you are." She looks at Harrison.
"Harrison Osterfield." he tells her.
"Rhiannon Evans." I tell him.
"Well, Tommy boy, had something to ask you." he nudges Tom.
"Ooooh I like that nickname. I'm going to have to use that. Anywho, what do you want to say Spidey boy." She smiles.
"I was um.. wondering if you wanted to hang out later?" he asked nervously.
"Of course! I would love too! I'll meet you here in an hour. Is that Okay?" she smiles. Rhiannon is just a ball of positive energy.
"Uh.. yeah!" he stutters out.
"I'll see you around, Tommy boy." she smiles over her shoulder.

this was kinda a filler chapter and meeting new people. next chapter will be interesting.

WC: 757 words

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