The Morning After

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I'm used to waking up to a strange boy in my bed the morning after, but this time it's different. It's alarming to wake up with not one boy but three in bed with you.

It's even creepier to see that they're all staring at you. "Morning Ezzy bae." Calum grinned. "Afternoon." Luke corrected. "Same thing." Calum shrugged. Luke shook his head but chose not to respond.

"Good Aftermorning!" Mikey chirped.
I propped myself up confused.
"The Michael I know is not a morning person." I squinted at him.

He scowled, "You left Ezzaray, things change." Guilt washed over me, and like that I was fully awake, and I felt terrible.

"Its not morning! Michael has been up for hours!" Luke pointed out again.
"You should have seen your face!" Mikey laughed hysterically.

"You're a dick!" I smacked him with a pillow. He took the pillow and gasped.
"I look nothing like my penis!" He objected.

"Michael," I spoke softly. "Go to the bathroom and stare into the mirror for five minutes. While you are doing this I want you to mentally picture your dick and make at least 7 comparisons between it and the rest of yourself." My straight face slipped at the end.

"Thats very kinky." He mumbled with a smirk. I managed to reach behind me to grab another pillow and bring it down onto his head.  "You're a pervert!" I shouted through the grin on my face.

"You're the one comparing me to a dick!" He chuckled before smothering me with the pillow. I was flailing my arms for a good thirty seconds trying to get him off of me before Mikey was pushed off and the pillow was removed.

Luke stood at my side with a big grin on his face and the weapon that was almost used to murder me in his hands.

"Might not want to get your finger prints on that Luke, my lawyer's gonna need it when I press charges on Mikey for attempted murder." I glared at Michael.

"Ezaray Westlyn Rose I am prepared to press counter charges for sexual assault." Mikey announced, earning a huff from me and a chuckle from Luke.

"What kind of law and order bull shit is this?!" Calum cried out. "Calum!" I screeched, crawling out of bed and almost losing my eye balls.
"What are you doing?!"

"Filming." He shrugged, focusing on his screen. "Dude, you can't post that any where!" I took the phone from him.

"Ez, what's the big deal?" Luke looked at me with knitted eyebrows.
"If someone see it they're gonna be wondering why ASHTON my boyfriend wasn't here to wake me up also." I pointed out.

They all fish mouthed. "I think you're panicking over nothing." Luke shook his head.

"Whatever." I tossed the phone onto the bed. "Where is Ash?" I asked.
"Last I saw him he was down stairs with brooke." Michael informed.

"Eww." I grimmanced. "I almost lost my appetite." I placed my hands on my stomach. "Almost! How tragic!" Cal rolled his eyes. I punched him in the arm.

"Wanna carry me down stairs?" I gave him puppy dog eyes. He shook his head.
"I'll let you use my blanket." I propositioned, causing his eyes to light up and Michael to run in panic.

"Over my dead body!" He screamed from down the hall. "Don't tempt me!" I hollered back.  "The list of charges just keeps getting longer, Ezzy." Calum picked me up and I swung an arm around his neck. "I know. I just can't help myself." I sighed.

I jumped from Calums arms on the last step of the stair case and jogged over to the kitchen. Ashton and Brooke were sitting on the sofa together watching a program. "It's about time you got up!" Ashton shifted to face me.

Brooke rolled her eyes, "Do you always where your hair like that?" She sneered. I took the milk and the cereal from the fridge. "It's trademark fashion." I answered.

"It's just bed head." I heard her grumble. I took my bowl over to the other sofa, ready to enjoy my food but before I could even take a bite it was snatched from my hands.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted, watching Brooke walk over to the table with MY food.

"We eat at the table in this house." She spoke calmly. "This isn't even your house!" I protested. "Ezzy." Ashton shot me a warning.

I walked over to where Brooke had been sitting and took the glass of juice she had placed on table to next to it. I took it to the kitchen and placed it on the counter on the other side then dragged a chair over for her to sit. "Maybe we shouldn't drink in there either."  I dictated, taking my seat at the table.

Brookes hands were clenched into fists at her sides when she turned to her boyfriend, "Ashton!" She fumed. He jumped up immediaty.

"Ezaray, could I talk to you for a moment?" He sputtered. I only continued eating my cereal, not wanting to be bothered, when he spoke again, "Outside." I looked up to see him nodding to the door.

"Fine." I growled, getting up. I pushed my seat back really hard, hoping that it would accidentally hit Brooke, but I was sadly disappointed.

I followed him out and crossed my arms.
"If this is about Brooke I don't even want to hear it." I spat once the door was closed. "No, this isn't about Brooke." He shook his head. "Then what?" I asked.

"This is about our arrangement." He stated. "What about it?" I asked cautiously. "I've made dinner reservations-"

"Ah no!" I whined. "It's only my second day here, I don't wanna go!" I stomped.
"There's that kiddy fit I've been waiting to see!" He chuckled. "Shut up!" I punched him in the arm. "Ashton I don't wanna!"
"You're gonna." He ruffled my hair before going back inside.

I'm not gonna lie, part of me was hoping that coming here to be his fake girlfriend, just meant that I'd be lounging around with my best friend, although part of me knew that that wasn't the case. I sighed letting out one last stomp.

"Still adorable!" I was startled by Ashtons knock on the window.


A/N: I feel kind of bad now. I've had most of this done for a while and the rest was already planned out but I was too lazy to write it. If it makes you feel better I've got most of the next chapter planned out too and this update is much longer than what I usually give. Anyway please leave comments and vote! Plleeeassssee. LOVE YOU!

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