1- Confusion

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Happy Pride Month Everyone! Its already past my day, but I wanted to make this book about my story.

I was always told that being gay was a sin and that God created us to reproduce. Its Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Ok, so I'm not going to say 'fuck you' to whoever says that because I grow up in a religious family. Yes, you can be gay and be religious.

But the thing is I was confused. I was confused due to my religious believes, thinking that being gay was wrong everytime I would stare a beautiful girl. I always thought that maybe I was just staring because I wanted to be like them, but I soon found out that wasn't why. I had this little crush on this girl I had Computer Applications with and at the time I had my boyfriend, who I loved dearly. I was scared and afraid as to what other people would say about it so I kept it to myself.

My first semester was coming to an end and once it did I had a class with two of my friends, Nikki and Reanna, and come to find out that Nikki was pansexual and Reanna had indeed dated Nikki at one point in their lives and I was super happy to find people that didn't care about their sexuality.

My confusion became happiness, because I found people just like me and they were ok with telling people. I still kept my sexuality to myself and stir cleared of telling my parents until the time came.

I'm also Demisexual. If you don't know what Demisexuality is I would advice you to go check out my best friend NinjaAssassin132

She has a book out about all the problems of a demisexual life. I always thought that I was Asexual, but after reading her book I found out that I was indeed demisexual. I had sexual attractions to my ex- boyfriend, but we didn't do the dirty, we didn't send nudes to each other, nor did we sext over the phone, that still doesn't mean I didn't have sexual attractions for him. I had a deep bond with my ex-boyfriend and we dated for almost two years, so why wouldn't I have a sexual attraction to him! He was my world for almost two years!

I hope you all enjoyed this book and I want to hear your experiences, if you have any, in the comments below. I would gladly answer any questions about all of this. Well I'll see you all again soon.

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