4- Parents

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I guess this is a small rant about my parents because they pissed me off today. Oh, and one more thing.

Hey NinjaAssassin132 you busy during the 4th. I wanna hang with you and watch the fireworks.

Anyways. My dad's birthday was Sunday and one thing just really pissed me off. My grandmother had put my dad's present in a rainbow bag (without the purple might I add) and he was making fun, saying that he was 'so happy' to the a pride flag bag.

My dad is homophobic and my mom just doesn't agree with their 'actions', even though she has gay friends. Sometimes I question why I even bother with being mad at them. They make fun and it hurts me. They taught me to be nice, yet they are the ones talking shit about people. Yeah, I may have done that in the Social Media chapter, but it needed to be done.

I was getting pretty pissed off about my dad continuing his rant about his lovely bag. I was like 'dad, that isn't the gay pride flag. It doesn't have purple in it.'

My mom then said, jokingly, that my grandma was calling my dad a burley, hairy, gay man. And the first thing that came out of my mouth was 'oh, you mean a Bear. So Nannie is calling dad a bear?'

They had asked me what a bear was, then had asked me how I knew that. After that conversation my mom had asked why is there a gay pride flag.

Her words: why is there even a gay pride flag? What do they even have pride for? I mean God created the rainbow, so why are they using God's creation even though they don't worship him?

Excuse me, but if you look up why the gay pride flag is rainbow this is what you get.

Each color represents something and so my question to you is why do you have pride in the american flag? Oh, I will tell you why

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Each color represents something and so my question to you is why do you have pride in the american flag? Oh, I will tell you why. Each star, each stripe represents America as a whole and the gay pride represents everybody in the LGBTQ community. You're fucking welcome!

Now let me tell you the conversation before my grandparents had left for the night.

My dad was opening his presents and my mom always gets him this stupid gag gift and this year it was a tie-die raindow hankie. My mom had made the comment of it being the gay pride flag. My Nannie loves to look stupid shit up on her computer and then tell it to the whole world.

My Nannie, bless her heart, had said that one of the creaters of some LGBTQ flag, don't know which one so tell me in the comments, had died recently. My mom looked my Nannie straight in the eyes and said 'good'

That was rude and that's exactly what I told her. You do not, and I mean not say someones death was good. Thats wrong! I mean yeah maybe if it was Hitler, but to someone who has done nothing to the world. I swear to God that got my blood boiling!

Anyways, I think I end this kind of stuff on a bad note everytime, but thats how I feel about subjects like this. I love you all and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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