Chapter 1: The empty villiage

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I stood by the window  in my room and watched the beautiful horizon take It's place. By the window  I could see the big lake and the high mountains of Jotunheim. My mum always told me stories ever since I was a little child about Blue giants  that lived up in the mountains higher up than the clouds. She told me about the bloody war between the Asgardians  and the frost giants and today they are still enemies, and can never be trusted. Therefore I had never been outside our little small villiage. The villiage we lived in was hidden by magic. On the nights I could just dream about seeing Asgard or other lands where I had never seen before. Sometimes I walked down to the lake by myself and just watched the moon reflect as a image as I looked down at the lake.

I walked in to the living room where my mum was sitting on a chair by the fireplace. I watched how she combed her long platinium
blond hair. The villagers always told me how much we looked like eachother  even if I had red hair.

One night I walked to the forest with my friend Élois who was in the same age as me. We grew up together and ever since I can remember has we always been playing together. Me and Élois were the youngest in the villiage. Élois and me had the same length and she had dark chestnut brown hair. Every night we met in a open glade near a waterfall. We could lie on the grass and just watch the shining stars on the sky. When we were walking back on a path to the villiage. I suddenly saw a slight glimpse of a shadow. Over the small wooden bridge.

- I could have sworn that I saw a shadow there, I said questionably
- It was probably nothing, Élois said,
sometimes  we could hear a whining sound from the East forest were the wolves lived.
When we came to my house. I said goodnight  as Élois walked to her own house. I saw my mother standing in the window and waited for me. Everytime I walked outside the house on the night she was always a slight worried about me. She greeted me with a hug And kissed me on the forehead.

-Me and your father have a urgent meeting with the King. Said My mum while she put the blanket over me and Said Goodnight.

That night I couldn't sleep so I woke up and went to sit by the fireplace.
The next thing I knew I saw a light who dazzled my eyes as I falled to the floor and everything went black.
At last my eyes Wanted to open and I ran outside to see a closer look but the light was gone. I could feel a cold wind coming through my body that gave me chills. When I walked there was a big silence. I could only hear the wind's melody. I walked to the house were the meeting was. I knocked on the door to in order to not disturb the meeting. When I heard No answer. I opened it carefully. At my surprise nobody was there. All the chairs was empty. I felt speechless. I run to my friend Élois house and knocked on the door but It gave No answer. I thought of a conclusion where they could have gone and I felt a bit worried beacuse I've would have heard if the whole town would have gone away.

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