Chapter 5: Revenge

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(Sigyn's P.O.V.)

-Loki what are you..., I said but couldn't finish my sentence.

His Illusions disappeared now and I could see the real Loki. He walked closer to me and I saw that he did some kind of spell on me. My eyes started slowly to close. I tried with my strength to keep my eyes wide open but I couldn't. My body couldn't resist as I falled to the ground. When I woke up I realised that I was laying on the bed in the guest room. I was confused that I was alive and he didn't do anything to me or if it just was a dream.

(Loki's P.O.V.)

- So she is not gonna remember anything about what she saw?, she said.

- Amora, I assure you she isn't gonna remember a thing, I said.

- She better not remember, Amora said.

- I will get the tesseract and you will get your revenge on Odin, I said. Where is your army?

- They are coming when the time is in, Amora said. The dark elves King died on Odin's order. now they have no leader and that's when I stepped in, they are now under my rule. They want the same revenge as me to see Asgard fall. They are reliable.

(Sigyn's P.O.V.)

I opened the door from my chamber walked through the hall to a staircase that lead to another Gate. I opened it and saw a beautiful garden. Asgards royal garden. It was big and had lot of flowers and trees. The sky was blue as the ocean and you could hear the birds. You could see a women down by a well getting water. I walked over a wooden bridge. As I walked I suddenly approach another women who was sitting on a bench and reading a book. She was wearing a sleeveless green silk dress with a golden mantle that went down her shoulders and her beautiful  braided hair fits perfectly.

- Sigyn, good that you found your way here, she said.

-Frigga, I said smoothly.

- I often come here whenever I want some alone time from all my troubles, Frigga said. Do you like to read, Sigyn?

- Yes, I often read when I was in my home villiage, Élaindir in Midgard. I read every night before sleep. My mother used to read stories about Asgard and tell things about you, I said.

- Can I show you our royal library sometime? , Frigga asked.

- Yes I would Love to, I said.

- Thor has told me very good things about you, he has grown very fond of you, Frigga said.

I couldn't help to smile when she said it, but I still didn't know my feelings for Thor.
I didn't say anything I just nodded.

- Have you seen my son, Loki, dear?, Frigga asked.

No why would I, I muttered for myself while I was thinking of what happened earlier. Did Loki try to kill me?
As I opened  my mouth to tell Frigga what happened but instead other words came out.

- No I haven't, I said.

I kept thinking of why I didn't tell her.

-Are you coming to eat
with us in the dining hall?, Frigga asked.

After the dinner. I couldn't help myself to be curious where the staircase behind the hidden door lead to. At my surprise I saw that the door was open. I slowly walked down the staircase. Suddenly I noticed that the door behind me was closed. I tried with my strength to open it but it was Impossible. I continued to walk down and now I could hear voices. I hid behind a pillar. I now suddenly saw a portal little bit further from where I stood. I now heard that It was quiet. I walked closer to the portal and took my hand closer to it till I nearly touched it.

- Please don't, I heard a voice say.

I turned around and saw Thor.

- Thor!, I said. How did you..?

- found you? , Well I accidently saw you going in here, Thor said. I'm glad I found you otherwise you would maybe get in trouble.

- Well, Thank you, Thor, I said.

I could see that he looked very strange to the portal.

- How did you even come here?, I have never seen this place before, Thor said.

- Well I saw a women, I started.

Suddenly a light came from the portal.
And out of the portal a women came out.
It was the same women I saw earlier. She looked around and then noticed us. She gave us a smile.

- Did you miss me?, honey, She said. Well I missed you.

- Amora! , Thor said angry.

Thor raised his hammer and started to run against her. In a breath of a moment she disappeared and then suddenly she was now behind Thor.

- Watch out!, Thor, I screamed.

- Run!, Thor screamed.

- No way I could leave you here all alone, I said.

He looked me in the eyes and winked at me and gave me a big smile.

- No but you seriously need to go now, Thor said. As your Prince of Asgard I order  you
to leave for your safety.

In that moment another light came from the portal and creatures came out of it. They were dark and were big. It was hard to see their faces . Their eyes were red.

I run up from the staircase and I could hear screams outside the palace. I ran to see a closer look. The  sky was dark and the sun was red. I could see more creatures outside now. I felt the pain inside me now. It's my fault. I should have told Frigga but I didn't. I could have forewarned them. In middle  of the crowd of the creatures I saw Loki. He was  walking through them and he was holding a spear in his left hand.

( I hope you like it💕 I would be so glad if you comment or vote on my chapter)

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