The Fall

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Ok so I got to thinking, what if you got stanked and your most valuable thing isn't a physical thing, like say a relationship with someone around you? Then what do you have to do to unstank someone? This is what.

Howard Weinerman stood opposite of his best friend, anger obvious in his brown eyes. The red head had been confronting Randy Cunningham for ducking out on their most recent attempt to get together, because the Ninja Nomicon had summoned Randy for training. The fight had quickly got out of hand, resulting in a shouting match in the middle of the school hallway. Both had said things they regretted and now stood in complete silence, with the rest of the students in the hallway looking on in shock, as it was very rare for the biffers hardly ever fought.

"At least the book stays quiet." Randy stated, turning his back on his friend and walking down the hall, leaving Howard in a state of disarray.

Angry tears pricked at the corners of Howard's eyes, forcing him to close his eyes and grit his teeth to not allow the tears to escape. He never had a chance to notice the green fog curl around his feet.

"You're such a honking shoob!" He yelled after his friend, letting the hot tears run down his cheeks and mix with the fog on the floor. It was at that moment the fog turned him into a monster.

Randy only heard the screams and heard the roars of a monster after Howard yelled at him so he could only imagine what had happened. He had to know what was going on, but he knew he couldn't return as Randy so he ducked into a bathroom to return as the ninja.

The mask instantly changed his outfit into the ninjas and allowed him to backflip over the stall he had gone into and run back into the fray. As he ran towards the monster he was keeping an eye out for Howard, they may have had an argument, but that didn't mean he didn't care about his best friend.

"Ninja, jump over innocent pedestrians!" Randy cried out as he leaped over some of his classmates.

When he landed he saw the back end of what looked like a water filled bullfrog, so he yelled "Hey, Water Balloon, why don't you come over here and I can pop you?" As the frog turned around he froze at who it resembled. "H-Howard?" Randy asked, his voice cracking a bit.

The monster's eyes instantly narrowed upon seeing who yelled at him, and quickly lunged towards Randy, forcing him to jump out the window to avoid the larger creature. Randy rolled the second he hit the ground and began to wonder what Howard's most prized possession was. Within seconds the monster was in front of him again letting out a large croak.

"Howard!" Randy yelled hoping to calm the monster down "Hey, buddy I know I yelled at you a lot earlier and I'm really sorry! Could you please just not eat me?"

The monster growled and tried to bite Randy, which he avoided by catching a light pole with his scarf and pulling himself onto it. Nomicon writing began to fill the air around his head creating a chain between Howard and Randy, which he had seen a couple of months prior as He and Howard had been talking.

'You know I doubt I could be stanked' the redhead stated with a grin, "because I don't have anything valuable to me that is physical'

'What about Grave Punchers?" Randy asked, smiling back

'I threw it out yesterday.'

'What!?' Randy exclaimed

'Made me mad, so I chucked it out the window' Howard laughed

Howards laugh faded as the light pole falling brought Randy back to reality. He rolled and took out his Chain-Sickle, throwing it at Howard's legs and restricting his movement. What could Howard hold most valuable? The nomicon desperately showed him the chain and made floating arrows to emphasize what it was trying to say.

Howard then broke away from Randy's Chain-Sickle and grabbed ahold of his scarf, flinging his unsuspecting friend onto the roof. Randy was not surprised to find Debbie Kang up there, trying to get the best shot of the fight, he pushed her out of the way of Howard and rolled opposite her.

"Debbie get out of here!" He yelled, cradling his left arm, which he heard crack upon impact with the pavement.

Randy then froze, having realized exactly what Howard cherished more than anything. Tears pricked his eyes as he knew exactly what needed to be done.

"Debbie!" He cried a second time, wincing when his voice caught in his throat. "Tell Howard I'm sorry! It was the only way." And with those last words Randy walked to the edge of the roof and walked off.

The monster froze for a long time, almost in denial of what had just happened, until he turned back into Howard, who was immediately ushered away from the edge by Debbie. Howard was shaking, silent sobs wracked his body, he knew what had happened. Debbie carefully led the mourning friend down to the front, where parents and police had gathered. Howard stumbled slowly towards the black tarp that lay in the middle of the grass, police tried to stop him, but Howard forced himself forward, before collapsing onto his knees by the corpse. He placed his hand on Randy's wrist, hoping to find a pulse, but knowing there would be none. He then let out a sob a laid his head on Randy's chest, covering his face with his arms and muffling his harsh sobs.

"Why?" Debbie asked, quietly "Why did the Ninja jump?"

Howard let out a heart wrenching wail as she said that, before whispering, between harsh sobs "because he knew nothing was more valuable to me than my friendship with Randy Cunningham."

I'm not sorry.

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