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The scent of coffee lingered in the café. Quiet chatter rang through the air, followed by hints of laughter. Only a few people remained in the building. It was quite early in the morning. Though the atmosphere made it feel as though it were past noon. Or perhaps it was the caffeine.

Arin took another sip of his coffee. His brown eyes searched the café for the girl he's been meaning to speak with. After messaging Danny practically all night, he was beginning to feel confident. He knew what he wanted to say.

But she wasn't there to here it.

At least, that's what Arin thought. She hasn't arrived at the normal time. Perhaps she was late, or ill. He checked his phone for any notifications. Anything to pass the time.

Arin was hesitant to leave, but knew he'll have to soon. He needed to work on his animations. But the stranger remained unseen. He was disappointed, but there  was always tomorrow.

And so, with a gentle sigh, Arin stood up from one of the tables. He quickly skimmed over the small amount of customers before leaving outside. The lovesick boy pushed open the doors and stepped outside.

Before he could leave any further, he had found he bumped into someone. His grip on the coffee cup loosened by surprise; resulting in the drink falling to the concrete sidewalk. Arin balanced himself and looked at the person he collided with. At least they didn't bump heads.

“I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention.” He quickly apologized before realizing the woman he had interrupted was the one he was waiting for. Her dark colored hair rested over her shoulders. A simple black jacket and ripped jeans was her outfit of the day. Nothing outrageous, yet just as ethereal.

“It's fine, no worries! Here,” The woman crouched down and picked up the cup. Luckily, not too much of the coffee spilled out. “I hope the tea tastes good today.” She commented with a light smile; holding the beverage in front of her for Arin to take.

And that, he did. A new feeling bubbled in his stomach. He could only describe it as butterflies dancing within him. Arin was at a loss for words. She was perfect. “Thanks. Uh, the name's Arin.” He introduced in a surprisingly mellow tone of voice.

Such a simple, yet adorable name.
It suit her completely.
But she didn't know that.

“I should probably head out. It's been great meeting you, Suzy.”
“You too, Arin. I'll see you tomorrow as usual, yeah?”

And with that, the woman stepped away. The clicks of her heels hitting the sidewalk was the last thing Arin heard from her that day. And yet, he couldn't get it out of his mind.

Everything else went normally. After making more progress on his animation project, Arin moved towards his computer. He opened the website and logged in. It didn't seem that Danny has said anything since the previous night. The last message being Arin's 'goodnight!' at two in the morning.

Without further pause, he began typing. He was absolutely elated.

Egoraptor: Hey Dan! I did it!

There was hardly even a delay between the messages.

Danny Sexbang: You talked to her??

Egoraptor: Figured out her name too!

Danny Sexbang: Congrats dude!
Whats next on the agenda?

Egoraptor: maybe I'll take her
out on a date if I'm lucky ;o

Danny Sexbang: Woahhh dude.
Hold your horses lol. Try talking
to her more tomorrow! Sit at her
table or something

Egoraptor: Ya, I'll try that.
Wish you could give me
support along the way lol

Danny Sexbang: If we could meet,
that would be a miracle. I just
hope you're not a 40 y/o killer

Egoraptor: My secret has
been found out.

Once again, their conversation lasted hours. Although Arin was able to go to sleep far earlier this time due to Danny leaving earlier in the night. He hasn't said much about his personal life, but mentioned he did music as a living. Supposedly, his username was based off the character he plays in his band.

And frankly, Arin was intrigued.

While he had the time, he looked up the name in hopes of being able to find the band. Or at least a song.

Oh, but he got far more than that. He found pictures of the person on the other side of the screen. Songs. Tickets for tours and concerts. Arin was impressed, to say the least.

He spent the most time looking through the images, however. A tall and limber man with curly brown hair. In a majority of the pictures, he was seen in a kimono or leotard. Both fashion choices brought Arin to a smile.
And the songs, were absolutely spectacular. The lyrics in their originals were the epitome of musical comedy. And the cover songs simply shown how talented he and his friend, Brian, was when it came to music.

By the time he began to feel tired, he noticed it was an hour past midnight. The time he has set as his limit for staying awake to maintain a more healthy schedule.

Obviously that's not working.

Arin left for his bedroom and didn't bother to change out of his clothes. He simply removed his pants and crawled under his covers.

The lovestruck male dozed off to the thought of going to one of Dan's concerts.
A new change of environment compared to daydreaming of the girl he was attracted to.

Oh, if only he knew.

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