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"Attention shoppers, the mall will close in thirty minutes from now."

"Alright, alright," Dan spoke in a defeated tone of voice. Another game lost to his friend before him. "I think that's the last of the games. We should probably head home, anyway. We don't have much time left."

It felt like such a short day. Arin wished he could make the hours last longer so he wouldn't have to say his goodbyes. There were always other days, but who knows how long it would be until another one like this would come around.

Truthfully, there was a hint of romantic tension between the two; Dan would "accidentally" touch Arin's, they would look at each other with smiles when the other wasn't looking at them, and they both confessed to laughing more than usual. It didn't feel like anything more than a childhood crush, but it was such a warm feeling that Arin didn't realize he missed. 

"Well, the mall closing doesn't mean we can't hang out some more, right?" Arin offered and reached for his car keys. "Wanna head out?"

The lean male weighed his options. He had the chance to extend his time with his closest friend he met online, or he could possibly be murdered and dumped in a ditch. 

"I'm down for an adventure."

They walked out the exit with a pair of subtle smiles on their cheeks. And although he didn't show it, Dan was a bit nervous about where Arin was going to take him. He's only known him for about eight months, yet he had full trust in him. Why?

The sky outside was dark and littered with bright stars. The moon was partially blocked by a faded cloud, but it was still visible behind the barrier. The air was a bit chilly, but a long sleeve shirt would be enough to keep from the occasional breeze.

Arin unlocked his car and got in the driver's seat; Danny in the passenger's. 

And off they went, driving on the dark streets of Los Angeles. 

"So," Dan looked out the window as he spoke. "Where are we headed?"

"Make-Out Point." Arin answered and gave a quick wink before returning his attention to the road. They both laughed, but Dan was still a bit on edge.

"But where are we really going?"

"You don't believe me? I'm hurt."

"Wait, wait. You're serious? You didn't even buy me dinner."

"The fuck are you talking about? I basically gave you my nachos!

They laughed some more. And soon, the hum of the car was the only noise that filled the space. At least, until the car was parked in a nearly empty parking lot. 

"This is it, Danny boy." Arin got out of the car and walked towards the hood. Curious about where he was headed, Dan followed after.

"This doesn't look like Make-Out Point to me. I trusted you, Arin." He joked. "The view looks nice though." He looked over the metal fence surrounding the hill of the lot. Bright lights were scattered below them. It felt like they were above the city they recently became acquainted with.

Arin sat on the hood of his car and took a look at the view for himself. "Can't argue with you there." 

Dan sat beside him, then laid down to look at the sky.

"You know, you're not so bad, Arin Hanson."

"You too, Dan..." A short pause. "I forgot your last name."

A few light chuckles left their lips. "Avidan." He answered.

The sound of chirping crickets occupied the crisp air of the night. It was difficult to talk over them; not because they were loud, but because they didn't want to interrupt their songs. But they did so anyway.

"Hey, Arin?"


"Do you think we can have more nights like this?"

"If we didn't, I'd be pretty disappointed."

"I just wanted to make sure."

Arin then laid down beside the other; their legs hanging off the edge of the car.

"You know, this whole thing feels a bit like a date." Dan added, chuckling lightly. "I mean, that's not a bad thing, but yeah."

"I guess it kinda does, huh? Too bad we didn't actually go to Make-Out Point." Arin laughed. He then sat up and got off the car. Assuming they were heading out, Dan did the same.

They got back in the car, the keys still in the ignition. 

"Ready to head home, Avidan?"

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired. I'll give you directions."

Surprisingly enough, Dan was only about fifteen minutes away. Which also meant that small talk was the only real conversation they could muster within that time. It was a nice way to end the night, though.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Big Cat."

"Big Cat? Is that a nickname or something?"

"Sure, why not?" Dan smiled and opened the door. "Night, dude!"

"Good night!"

The car door closed and soon enough, the curly-haired artist was gone.

"There's no fucking way I'm falling in love with my best friend. Fuck that shit." Arin huffed as he drove away with a mind clouded with troubled thoughts.


Happy new year, everyone! I hope 2019 goes great for you all!
Or at least, better than 2018

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