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❛in all the ways i got to know the pretty face and electric soul❜  - lana del rey

november comes with a week off for thanksgiving break. namjoon asks his mom if he should go home for break and his mother says no. apparently, no one's there since they both left to his grandparents house. he feels betrayed, but deals with the known oncoming boredom by making a new list of books to buy from daff's book house. a few days before break, he finds out jimin and yoongi are staying for break, as well, so at least he's not going to be by himself.

still, he doesn't want break to come- hoseok's gonna leave him in the room by himself. "joonie, it's just a few days with my aunt and i'll be back before you know it, my prince." the kiss that comes with the line is soft and short, lingering between them until namjoon whines for another more satisfying kiss. hoseok obliges immediately, thumb rubbing into the soft skin of the younger's cheek. when they part, namjoon fists at hoseok's shirt tightly, a normal heat rushing to his throat and stomach. 

"don't call me that, hyung," he whispers, resting his forehead on hoseok's shoulder. "hm? then what do you want me to call you?" the younger disentangles himself from his boyfriend's lap, choosing to stalk across the room to his own bed. "i heard someone being called baby boy in the showers the other day. can- can you call me that instead, hyung?" although hoseok gulps down the arousal tightening in his sweats, he nods. "of course, baby boy. whatever makes you happy."

and it's strange to think that the boy that walked into the room on the first day is across the room wearing hoseok's somehow huge sweater, asking his roommate- now boyfriend- to call him baby boy. so he gets up and crosses the room to pull namjoon close to his chest because guess what, this beautiful boy in front of him is his boyfriend and everything's perfect.

the next day comes with a fight for namjoon to let him go off before he misses the bus to the city where his aunt will pick him up. "hyung, don't go. i'm gonna miss you." the younger bites his lip to hold in the oncoming tears threatening to slip from his eyes. he's grown so attached to his roommate and it hurts to know he's leaving for a week. hoseok sighs, pecking his nose lightly. "peach, you know i have to go. yoongi and jiminie wanna be with you, too, so don't be so down. you'll be the first person i see when i get back, okay? i promise."

namjoon nods, holding him to that promise. and the two part at the empty bus stop when the bus pulls up to the stop. "i'll see you soon, bub. make sure you eat and take care of yourself." hoseok steps onto the bus with his suitcase in tow and the doors close behind him. all namjoon feels is the wind nipping at his cheeks and the leaves falling into his hair. it's yoongi that meets him at gate with a scarf, pink lips turned into a pout. "baby, seok is gonna be back soon." he never says much, but it's always right, so namjoon listens to him and holds out his hand to be held. "jin's still here. do you wanna cuddle before he leaves?" 

the younger nods, being led down cold brick sidewalks by his other boyfriend to his dorm room. when the door swings open, a body moves in one of the beds and seokjin's messy hair sticks up from under the blanket. "s'cold. get back under," he grumbles. the two boys climb into bed with him, falling asleep at the butt crack of dawn.

that afternoon, seokjin gets his suitcase ready to leave, giving both boys kisses on their cheeks before driving off into the city. yoongi's hand runs through namjoon's frizzy hair, feeling the knots forming and yanking with every brush through. so he does what any loving, caring, amazing boyfriend would do- he brushes his sweetheart's hair.

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