12. I Love You?

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                                                                        ~Zayn's P.O.V.~

What happened to Avery!?

I just saw her!

What Could have happened!?

Will I lose her!?

All these thoughts raced through my mind as I rushed to get ready. I read that Avery was hit by a car crossing the street. I texted Niall that I was going to the hospital to see Avery and explained everything that happened, and he understood. I rushed out of the room and ran to the elevator. After I got out the elevator I ran to the parking lot and into my rental car. (-Yes I got a rental car-). I didn't even care about strapping myself in. I just drove to the hospital not caring what happened. I just had to get to her side. I can't lose her again.

                                                                             ~Dwayne's P.O.V.~

I just sat next to her holding her hand praying for her to wake up.

"Please wake up Avery. Violet needs you needs you. Jaz and Alehea need you. Your family needs you. I need you." I said just satring at her. I just want her to open her eyes. Talk again. Hold her in my arms. "Please Avery" I beg.

                                                                           ~Jaz's P.O.V. (Last Night)~

I just got off the phone with Alehea and she said she is on her way. Next person to call. Candace. Candace is Avery's older sister. I dialed her number.


"Hey, Candace. Avery is in the hospital"

"WHAT!? What happened!?" She asked practically yelling in the phone.

"She got hit by a car. She's been out for awhile."

"Where's Violet!? Is Vi okay!?"

"Yeah, Violet's fine. She's with me."

"Um...Okay. I'll call Eliza. We'll be there"

"Okay". After that she hung up. Violet seems to be having fun with Martha- Dwayne's mom.

                                                                                ~Avery's P.O.V.~

What happened? All I remeber is leaving Nando's. Where's Violet!? Who's holding my hand?

"Please wake up Avery. Violet needs you. Jaz and Alehea need you. Your family needs you. I need you."

I know that voice. That's not Zayn. It's Dwayne. Why is he here? Where is Zayn. WHAT HAPPENED!? WHY CAN'T I OPEN MY EYES!? Slowly. Calm yourself. Just try to open them slowly.

I opened my eyes and got a flash a white light. My body flinched which I think caught his attention. "AVERY!" Dwayne yelled jumping up. I'm on so much medication I don't know what's going on. "Oh my gosh, Avery! I'm so sorry!" he says "It's okay" I slurred "I'm sorry, Avery! I love you! I'm sorry!" he said "I love you too. It's okay" I slurred again. The nurse came in. "Oh good, your up. I think we should run some tests. Sir can you please leave for a moment?" she said to Dwayne. He nodded and left the room. "That's a nice boyfriend you got there. He didn't leave your side" she said hooking up some wires and looking at a machine. "I don't think he's my boyfriend." I slurred. "I guess all the medicine is working." she said with a little smirk "Do you feel dizzy?" she asked looking at me. I nodded. "Are you tired?" she asked me. "I kinda am actually" I said getting comfortable. "Why don't you get some rest. I'll tell your friends your fine. When you wake up you shoud be back to normal. Okay?" I nodded and shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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