Girl on the road

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"Yes Jess?"

"I see someone"

"I see it too, should we pull over?"

" I don't know, its middle of the night, I mean we should ask if they need help dont w-"


"No! No! No! Its not real"

"James! James! JAMES! whats wrong with you?"

"Its not human, I swear its not human oh god! its face"

"james what are you talking about? Pull over and tell me! youre going to get us killed"

"NO! We cant stop now"

"Then tell what happen? Why are you so scared ?"

"Didn't you see its face ? Oh my god!"

" how could I James? You suddenly went mad and accelerate the car"

"James what did you see?"

" Its something I havent seen befo-"


"Wha- AHHHHH! ! !"

Looking at them through the window is a face of a women with slit as eyes, stitches in its mouth grinning from ear to ear running beside the car in a impossible speed.


said jess as tears of terror roll down her cheeks forcing her body to back away from the window as much as possible.

"DAMMIT JESS I'M TRYING!" exclaim james as he try to put more speed with no avail.

Suddenly the window broke in pieces as an inhuman hand with elongated finger and long nails like claw slowly reaching for jess.

"JAMES HELP ME! " yelled jess as she try to move further Back in her seat not knowing that shes holding the wheel of the car.


But its too late the car have already swevered off the road and collide with a tree.

"NOOOOO" exlaimed james as he tried to move in his position.

"Please sir dont exert your self, Stay still for a while"

said a women in look to be in a paramedic uniform patching his bloodied head.

"What happen? Where is Jess?" james ask in a pain grunt, now feeling all of his injury.

"You are the only one we found sir in the wreckage" said the medic.

After the hazy event that follows and being question by the police of the inccident, James told them everything the two police just look at each other then one of the police radio somethinh in the other line.

"Officer please find my girlfriend, she's out there alone with that thing" said James

"We will do everything to find your girlfriend Mr.Collin we already send a dispatch for back up, just rest up and we will send you to the hospital momentarily" said one of the officer.

"you know something don't you? You know what that thi-"

"Its now our place to tell you what we know Mr.Collin, the fact that we are talking about this is a great risk, just rest up Mr.Collins" and that the two officer went in their way.

Feeling worry and scared for Jess, James complied.

"Jess I hope you're okay"



James awoke in the soud of thumping in his bedside window.

"whats going on" a bleary eyes james ask to himself

Then he drag himself out of the bed still sleepy to check his window still in his hospital gown and dextross connected.

"CRASH! ! !"

A police officer burst in the room.

"Whats going on here" said the officer looking for james.

He saw james in the floor with the bedside table mouth agape with the terror look on his face.

He slowly look the place james were looking at.

In the window is a severed head of a girl banging in the window cause by the wind, slit as her eyes, with a stitches in its mouth grinning from ear to ear.

The head of the missing girl Jess.

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