- Four -

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I'm on the couch sleeping when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring. I'm out of my snores to wake up conscious in one of my old jersey shirts and undies. Who could be out this late? Had my parents come home?

I look into the peephole of the door and see that my friends are holding up duck lips with their possessions in hand while they're in their jammies. I almost forgot about the slumber party I invited them to, luckily my parents already left.

"Hey girl!" Angie throws her arms at me while the others just welcome themselves in.
"Hey, I'm glad you guys could make it, aside from earlier."

We all decided to sit in a circle in the family room, spilling out stuff from their bags while I go to fix a bowl of popcorn and gather a drink of soda.

"Ok ladies," Chloe begins. "Now that were situated, it's time to have fun."

I see her pull something out, and it's bouncy, bright pink in some silicone material that she's cupping with her hands. Everyone's cheering before I notice it's a freaking dildo. What the hell?

"What the hell is that?" I cringe at the penis toy, seeing that it was even molded in veins and had the balls as some magnet.
"It's a dildo, Felicity, practice bait for a penis, and it'll really help stretch your walls out so you're prepared for that moment...if it comes," Chloe explains before I roll my eyes at her.
"So were gonna pass it around for at least ten minutes, and whoever's holding it is the person who talks or else anyone who interrupts will have to do a dare."

I was slightly regretting this, knowing my friends were daredevils and they were still on the intake in me losing my virginity.

"Ok, me first." Amandla cheers, Chloe tossing the toy at her.
She's clearly squeezing at it, biting her minty lips to where it looked like she was gonna attack it.
"I was on Tinder yesterday," she says. "I was checking out guys who were nice, muscular...and big, and I came across a guy who said he was Jay Z, and I clearly was upset on his connection still with Beyoncé but I told him I'll still keep it a secret.
"He confessed he'd give me a bang-over and we can meet at Lake Drive, down the street from my house at a park. I was getting a fishy feeling, but I stuck with it anyways and kept going. When I get there, I see that it's my Uncle Earl, I called my Aunt to say that he was cheating on her, not only that, but he was known for theft at Dollar Tree 62 times, so he's in jail now."

I looked at her surprisingly by how dumb she was to actually believe that Jay Z would have time to actually go on Tinder and say that he'd meet a girl somewhere at a random park. He's not even in Atlanta. Her uncle must've had a pole through his head or something, but I'm not so surprised. They all move forward to Alicia as she's taking extra gropes at it too.

"Ok well, I was biking out again not too long ago, and these two guys stop by me while I'm taking a water break. They said 'You look delicious in them tight ass pants of yours, my cousin and I were just wondering if we could catch an appetizer around here.' We go to a nearby public bathroom and I got the best banging ever out of all of my history of being tag matched. Felicity!"

She suddenly throws it at me without any forewarning. The thing is like a hot potato in my hands, I don't know whether to grab it or put it on our family wall. But I have my hand wrap around it anyways and it's squishy and it's slightly heavy hence to its meaty, jerky form.

"Um," I'm slightly taken away by it. "Well, I had my job interview earlier, I don't know if it went well." I hear someone yawn but I proceed talking.
"But more to why I was nervous, I saw a boy."

They all jump up, their eyes more on me and smiles like the grinch on their faces.

"Gimme that." Angie says.
"Hello, she took my turn." I object but they're all already eating popcorn, standing me up off the floor.
"Felicity, you know what that means." Amandla squeals.
"That it's worth going to the coffee shop."
"Not only that, but you can win him over."
"Okay, game over, lets play a different game," Alicia says. "Felicity we're gonna train you."

They sit me on one of the couches, surrounding me as I'm just sitting there, probably naive to actually know what's going on. They pull up the chairs furniture to the living room beside me to have me in their arm's reach while I adjust myself in slightly being uncomfortable.

"Now here's the basics," Chloe grabs the dildo, from what was in Angie's hands. "In sucking his dick you-"
"Woah woah woah, what? You actually think I'm actually just gonna have him for one night over?" I look at them dumbfounded.
"Well you can share if you want." Chloe says but I'm already out of my seat.
"Look," I say. "Okay, he's pretty hot, he has glasses, brown hair, and green eyes-"
"Ooh a hybrid." Amandla says.
"Okay whatever that means, I actually want to get to know this guy, and I wouldn't take advantage of him in just being horny all the time."
"Ugh, Felicity, you don't have to get into another one of your speeches just to explain to us that you like this guy. We'll take it easy on you."

They sat me down and showed me boy magazines and collages of who they thought were cute. They had a book, in where they wrote a boy's name down and their bucket list to what they want to do with him. It's suppose to express your feelings on how much you like this person, and your peers would give you tips from their life experiences, but there's always one in a million.

It actually kinda worked, although I only saw this guy once they showed me how I could approach him, not too extra but just give a side to him that shows your natural faces and maybe he'll find himself drawn. I hadn't really had boy advice in the past because I was always so focused in school. Maybe there was a bit of parts I was missing in life.

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