- Six -

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"Where the hell have you been?"

I see that all my friends are still in my house, between brushing their teeth and toweling themselves after showers. Of course I was huffing in sweat, out of breath while Mali only jumps out of my arms just to go back to his chew toy.

"Well, I'm working at Jack o' Beans now, kudos for me." I give myself jazz hands before stepping on the back of my shoes to kick them off.

The temperature had surprisingly increased over the past few hours at the coffee shop. It was a shocker to me because right at that moment, I had achieved my work shift without any second words so it all happened at that place and it just seemed contorted. I was a bit more unwinded that I got to work in the back with Bodhi though, seeing his hands more curriculum face to face just felt surreal for me and more blanks were finally filled.

"So you work at Jack o' Beans now? What are you, Granny Smith?" Chloe said between brushing her teeth.
"Um, it would at least help with a few cases of having money and actually finding yourself as a well business person." I say, pulling off my hot sweater and pants.
"Well at least you have that guy to work with right? Did you get his name?" Angie asks holding her hair up to a blow dryer.
"Uh yeah, Bodhi Carolin, he's a pretty nice guy to work with-"

Beep Beep Beep I suddenly hear the fire detector going off when I see that someone's in the kitchen. I immediately walk inside to see that Alicia is trying to make pancakes.

"Sorry, too much butter." She says, trying to coat the frying pan.
"You just need to open the back door and turn the fan on." I say between breaths in fanning the smoke alarming the detector.

It was pretty wild just having everyone enjoying themselves at my house. I didn't know how long they'd be staying, but I knew it would be rude to just kick them out. I stay in my underwear and bra as I fix my bed and all of the clothes they've flung on the floor.

"Wow, you guys are living in pig stocks." I say, carefully holding my fingers on someone's dirty socks.
"You can't blame us for caring how we look, plus it could be a real helper on you being with this guy." Amandla says, just freely walking in (only) her underwear and nothing else to protect her.

I felt like I was sitting in a girl's locker room and with all of this going on, heat was scrapping in the house, so I just put on a jacket to sit outside. Sure I was only in my undergarments with a bottle of juice and a lot of less care in the world right now at the moment, but it was like my stress levels could be exaggerating in my head pounding heart beats on counting a headache. I guess it was a relief that my parents would be gone for a bit to get things through, that I'd only have free time this summer and have to go back to work in the new evening of fall.

I hear the door bang and Angie's tan legs are standing long beside me as I sit on a beach chair on the front porch.

"Hey love," she says, leveling herself at me. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah I'm ok," I state. "It's just, sometimes I have to put some type of logic into you girls into seeing what's really going on, ya know about the guys, about my life decisions, yadda yadda."
She giggles a bit, "Yeah well, we're just trying to get you to have fun instead of being a real push over."
She playfully pushes me on my shoulder before we struck up a laugh.
"Ya know," she brings up. "There's still that party."

We're all suddenly dressed up into going back to the mall. I fill Mali's food ball before going out in a tank and shorts with only sandals to get into my friend's car.

"I'm driving." I say.
"But it's my car." Alicia says.
"And it's our lives on the line." I retort back to have everyone start laughing.

The mall is packed for a Wednesday, and we're running through stores to continuously have the detectors beeping each time we try to leave.

"We should try Sherlock Holmes, only sluttier." Amandla hypes.
"Or Scream Queens sexualized." Chloe points.
"What are we doing? A Halloween party?" I ask them.
"Or role play." Alicia says before they all drag me to some store where it's filled with a few indecent features.

There's this S&M type of culture to it, in where I'm just not sure if we've entered a porno rock concert or if it really is a store.

"So here's some ideas," Angie goes by a clothes racket. "There's Josie and the Pussycats, Barbie, or Melanie Martinez type of shit."

She was pointing out clothes that could possibly theme to our centerpiece of audience. Despite my objection to the idea earlier, I'd thought I give it a chance instead of being such a party pooper aside of trying things.

If you were wondering where this party could take place and how it could plot to such a big extension, Angie lives with her aunt and uncle, who were going to some yacht party and she had the entire mansion to herself. It looked like it could be an entire hotel, and I thought it was such a crime to just leave Angelina by herself to such a big space.

So of course heading to the situation, she was gawking about wearing some type of costumes to replicate that were the hosts of the show. Of course I wasn't much of that sexuality, a nice drink in a jacuzzi would be just fine. I was sure that I had a big career ahead of me, so why burn a few bridges to see if there's a pot of gold still on the other side?

I see her picking out metallic skirts and chokers, and as much as she was trying to pick me on the bright side, I knew that there was still a sexual vibe to it.

"Felicity," she approaches. "What do you think of this?"
It's some crop shirt and mini skirt she was putting with some boots, I wouldn't go into detail, knowing that it wasn't my fashion sense anyway.
"It looks good, very bright, futuristic?" I cock my head.
"Well, we could go Futurama but the party's only a few days ahead, so we might want to get forward with things."

I simply sat back while everyone was looking through clothes, debating whether it would give us a better spotlight or make sense to be approachable at the party. Now Angie was starting to second guess on her plans, whether she should adjust the party invitations-however she sent them-to make it have more sense. Turns out, they pick out this Cat Woman or Black Cat Marvel type of attire that just look like tight suits awaiting to wedgie our crotches for the latest camel toe. I just decided to go with it, seeing that it was only one night, or I could just give participation in just showing up at the party in consideration.

I always have a "Judge Judy" on things, copping myself to have the best judgement in taking apart in activities. I could care less about the hot guys or the rainbow disco dance floor, honestly it would be more in eating food than wedging yourself just into someone's objective without any deliberation with yourself. I wasn't siding out of it, but I stayed important to the clause that I was just having fun and maybe let go of some hardships that could be laboring me into such a brainiac. Was I being too much of myself?

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