- Nine -

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I found myself covered in popcorn when I sit up from the couch and my hand touches someone's leg.

I turn behind me and see that Bodhi's sound asleep. We lead up into watching tv in the family room, nothing romantic had chapter. I was sleeping on him, both of us in the same clothes from yesterday. I decide to clean up all the popcorn and the thrown pillows we were fighting each other with. I noticed how I didn't do this with my friends, just the counterpart of boys being sexy if they have a big penis.

A smile twitches on my face as I throw the garbage away. I wasn't quite aware of any noises until I stand back up to see Bodhi awake. His green eyes are bare and his hair is a bit disarrayed.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He says.
"A little bit, yeah. Did you have good sleep?" I ask him.
"Uh-yeah, yeah I did. Sorry again if I just decided to make myself home." He chuckles but I'm not as concerned.
"No it's fine, you weren't a big budge. I'd say it was nice having you here."

I easily walk past him to finish the rest of the living room.

"So you're playing hard to get?" I perk up at his words, but I'm not sure if my ears were lying to me.
"What?" I try to assure myself.
"You heard me. You're one of a kind Felicity, why smudge it?" He walks closer to me, while I'm still in the blue.
"Bodhi, what're you talking about?" I stiffen up when his body is towering over me while I'm sitting on the side of one of the couch chairs.
"I like you, maybe a bit over obsessive, but your climatic looks are too much for me to just pass over." I'm wondering if I'm still dreaming, if I'm daydreaming about what he's saying to mistake it for reality.
"O-Okay I get it."

He removes himself and puts on his shoes and glasses. I'm stuck there on the couch, watching him shuffling off to his car. It was out of the blue, I wasn't in any state to where I'd be expecting it, and I'm not sure whether or not to believe it. Obsessive. That's a strong word to consider a party, and it's having me trying to diagnose what he was just saying.

I know what you're thinking, he likes me, what other words could be thorough enough for you? I could call him back over, but I was gonna be true to myself. But I almost forgot I had work today, the shop opens at 6.

I quickly take a shower and dress myself into a regular shirt and jeans. Of course I was nervous for the moment, walking down the street to go to the job I shared Bodhi with. My heart's just being attacked all this week and it's throttling with my feelings. But when I open the door, the bell only twinkles in silence. The shop's empty? Was Bodhi deciding not to come to work today or was it just not his shift?

My mind's babbled, I feel like a total bastard to just let him leave like that with me just poker-faced. Should I be taking the blame, or was there any fault in him expecting for a certain reaction? I move on to the back of the counter, putting on my smock and setting my phone and purse aside.

As time moves on through the day, I'm feeling guilty. The fact that I was totally swooning over this guy to be such a plot twister was just wrong. By the time my shift's done, I quickly walk out of the shop, picking up my phone. Who was best at boy advice? I already talked to Angie, but maybe Chloe has some things to go over.

"Oh baby," she says. "What happened?"
"I-I don't know, I guess I just freaked for the moment until I realized how much of a monster I was to just let him walk out." I answer her.
"Was he at work today?" She asks.
"No, luckily, what should I do?"
"Hang on, I'm coming over."

I decided to call Chloe to talk about the situation about Bodhi. I guess it was a bit ironic to my defenses that I'm so protective over things but I still listen to my friends.

I see Chloe's motorcycle pull up, before she's jogging in her heels up our lawn.

"Hey." I say before she pulls me into a tight hug.
"You're insane." She says, entering the house.
"No, I was stupid," I object. "How could I just let him walk past when I had my chance?"
She lets out a deep sigh, crossing her arms still in her leather jacket before she flips her auburn hair.
"Well, what were the things you said to him before you invited him to come here?" She asks.
"Well, it was during our lunch break earlier that day. I invited him to the party, we exchanged phone numbers, and I promised him I'd tell him any news of what I learn about Saturday. He even asked if I would need a ride." I respond.

Chloe's mouth swishes side to side as she thinks. Her pink nails are tapping on her forearm while there's a brief silence between us.

"Did he say anything while he was here?" She brings up.
"Yeah, it's like he confessed to me, something about obsessive feelings."
"Ah now there's something. I'd say, leave him waiting until tomorrow, that is if he's going. You could allure him into going to it, those cat suits aren't quite comfortable. Let's look in your closet."

She sits me on the bed and roots through my clothes, possibly looking for my skirts and undershirts. She pulls out an old plaid skirt, eyeing it from how long she was having it in her hands.

"Hm, where'd you get this?" She looks at me.
"I got that from goodwill a while ago. I don't think I can still fit it." I say, but she still plops it on the bed.
"That's the part of it, it's the trend when you see girls missing half of their shirts. Try it on."

Chloe was being a bit demanding of the situation but I was trusting her, knowing that she was pulling this stuff off on the streets. I pull on the skirt, outstretching it with my hips and thighs but Chloe was turning her head side to side coping with it.

"It's okay if you have an ass, guys like that." She says, my butt literally accommodating the fit of the skirt.
It was pleated, light grey colored, flowing near my underwear.
"Should I wear leggings or tights?" I turn to her.
"You could, but it's slightly less of a turn on to guys in being less exciting to meet you. You have this shirt," she brings out one of my turtlenecks. "It's slightly a grunge, try it on."

I try on the white turtleneck, letting her dress me. She says I should try it on with a pair of sneakers and it'll be an eye teaser. Since the party was tomorrow, she was testing me on my flirtations, you could say, in probable explaining to Bodhi.

"Now call him." She demands but I look at her hesitant.
"Wait what? I thought you said leave him waiting." I say.
"Yeah, waiting by the door," she takes my phone, "In a way avoiding the awkwardness is acting like that thing never happened, like it was a kink, tease, whatever to be a surprise. What's your password."

I type in my password and hand my phone back to her. She easily swipes through my contacts and-what I assume-select on his number.

"Okay, you want to call him because you want his expectations real as possible. See what he's gonna be invaded on. Try to be sexy, it's always leaving them more. Don't mention earlier, but if he does, act of it as if you were on purpose with that stub in his pants. Now click dial." She sits next to me as I abide her actions.
"What if he doesn't answer-"

His deep voice answers on the other line, and I look at Chloe as she nods her head. His tone sounds as if he was just sleeping, I guess I'd need to change that.

"Hey sexy." I answer.
"You know who it is you derp. Thinking of me?"
"U-uh I guess, but that's different, you aren't as..I don't know, shy as earlier." His tone alters into surprise.
"Shy? Why honey I was just being a tease, nothing to be ashamed of."

Chloe's holding in her laugh as I continue on the phone.

"You still going to the party? I'll be there." I say.
"Yeah, just give me the time and text, a-and I'll be there."

I let him hang up before Chloe bursts in laughter. I laugh with her, not depriving the fact that I probably failed miserably at flirting.

"Its a party?" I look at her.
"It's a date!"

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