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I picked up the scattered toys on our living room floor. That kid would never listen.

"Logan Alexander!" I yelled, picking up a few that were under the coffee table. All his action figures and Legos were under there. I smiled lightly seeing he was probably trying to hide them when I told him to put them away.

"Looking for this little boy?" I heard someone say from behind me, followed by a chorus of giggles. I turned around and looked up to see Louis holding our son Logan upside down. Logan was giggling, a big smile on his face. He looked so much like his father. "I heard you say the middle name. That means your in big trouble, Logan. What did he do this time?"

"Left his toys out." I said, taking the little boy from Louis and put him down. "After I asked him to put them away for like the third time!"

"I'm sorry, Mummy." He said, beginning picking them up. I kissed the little boy's forehead once he finished.

"Don't disturb Eva, all right?" I said. His big brown eyes looked up at me and he nodded. He scurried off making loud noises while running to the toy room like he didn't even hear my warning. He smiled cheekily at me and Lou and I sighed a bit, tired. Louis and I sat on the couch and I immediately leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "He's just as bad as you, Lou. He's got so much energy."

Louis laughed softly. He kissed my forehead, calming me down a bit. "Can you believe it? It seemed like only yesterday you were running away from your dad and I jumped in front of that car for you." I smiled a little and opened my eyes and saw in front of me our scrapbook. I leaned over to pick it up and started to turn the pages, looking at the sweet memories.

I started laughing, looking at the silly pictures that we had taken in one of those photo booths with everyone. Some were with just me and the girlfriends, making duck faces and kitty claws, the others were with the boys, crazy faces and crossed eyes. I turned the page and saw the pictures from Ellie's seventh birthday. We'd taken her to Disneyland. I traced my hands over the pictures of her. There was a huge smile on her face as she spun around with the princesses in her little Belle dress and another of her kissing Mickey's nose. Pictures of all the boys on the carousel, screaming like it was the scariest ride ever. Louis even started screaming, 'IT'S MOVING UP AND DOWN! OH MY GOSH!' Even one of Zayn looking like he was about to throw up on the teacups. There was also a picture of me and Lou kissing under the Disneyland castle, wearing Minnie and Mickey ears. Ellie was ten now, and was absolutely thrilled that she was an auntie now. She lived with us, and I practically raised her like my own. Sometimes she'd stay with Liam and Dani.

Louis laughed. "I remember that!" He motioned to the picture of our wedding day. We were standing at the altar, loving looks in in our eyes. Then there was a picture of our wedding kiss. All emotions hit me. I remember the day perfectly. There were pictures of Harry and Niall, pumping their fists at the reception party while holding a glasses of wine. I smiled at the pictures of Ellie and my bridesmaids of course, Perrie and Dani. Liam had walked me down the aisle that lovely day. Some of the sillier ones included the boys showing off their muscles and making weird faces and poses. Of course, Louis had the biggest and always bragged about it.

"Do you remember when you popped the question, Lou?"

"I do. It was at the park. Where it all began. We'd only known each other for a year, but I felt like I'd known you forever, Meg. I told you I wanted to be with you forever and I promised I'd love you forever."

"You kept your promise. I love you, Louis William Tomlinson." I quickly kissed my his lips, stared into his eyes for a while, and then turned back to pictures. "Gosh I feel old." I laughed looking at a picture of me and Lou in our matching pj's. He had Superman pajamas and I of course had Supergirl ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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